Quanon |
Toro y Casanova, Manuel del. Letter from cathedral treasury of Durango to governor of New Mexico requesting his continued support in... |
01-00-1794 |
Quanon |
Toro y Casanova, Manuel del. Request to governor of New Mexico to enforce collection of debts owed to treasury of cathedral of Durango by... |
02-11-1794 |
Quanon |
Toro y Casanova, Manuel del. Letter of members of Durango cathedral treasury to governor of New Mexico thanking him for his diligence in... |
04-23-1794 |
Quanon |
Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Letter to officials of treasury of Durango cathedral informing them of efforts to secure payment of... |
05-06-1794 |
Quintana |
Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Suspension of alcalde mayor Manuel Garcia de la Mora in Indian suicide case. |
07-18-1799 |
Quintana |
Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Reinstatement of two officials. |
09-11-1799 |
Quintana |
Chacon, Fernando. A set of instructions on how the new governor should deal with the navajo. |
03-27-1805 |
Quintana |
. Incomplete set of recommendations for the economic development of New Mexico drawn up by a junta held in Santa Fee. |
06-17-1805 |
Quintero |
Brief annotations of events in province of New Mexico from July through 13 September, primarily military operations. |
07-00-1808 |
Quintero |
Antonio Baca. Case against Antonio Baca for falsely presenting himself as a justice official to some Indians to intercept mail to fray... |
09-03-1808 |
Quentara |
Jose de la Cruz Quentana (teniente). List of names of those citizens vaccinated in la Canada, totaling 152 vaccinations. |
10-07-1809 |
Quintarra |
List of subscribers to the Voluntary contribution made by the inhabitants of the province of New Mexico. Nearly 500 names. |
11-20-1809 |
Quintana |
Salcedo, Nemesio. Letter regarding the proposed appointment of Sandoval as protector partidario. |
03-21-1810 |
Quegue |
Manrique, Jose. On proposed comanche campaign against the Apaches. |
03-22-1810 |
Quegue |
Manrique, Jose. Concerning the proposed attack on the Apaches of Sacramento, involving the comanches. |
03-29-1810 |
Quegue |
Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. |
03-31-1810 |
Quintana |
Gobernador ynterino de Nuevo Mexico to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: campaign against the Apaches; and the nomination of a protector partidario. |
05-31-1810 |
Quibiguaype |
Governador ynterino del Nuevo Mexico to comandante general. Re: the recently concluded campaign against the Apaches. |
06-30-1810 |
Quegue |
Governador ynterino del Nuevo Mexico to comandante general. Re: the recently concluded campaign against the Apaches. |
06-30-1810 |
Quiler |
Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: real orden: tribunal de represalias. |
10-08-1810 |
Quintero |
Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. |
11-07-1811 |
Quintana |
. Re: petition by Indians of Cochiti. |
02-03-1812 |
Queso |
Cuevas, Juan Antonio de. Papers regarding the estate of Juan Antonio de Cuevas. |
08-10-1812 |
Quintana |
Martin, Pedro. Trial for rape. |
10-13-1812 |
Quinta |
. Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. |
04-23-1813 |
Quintana |
Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Royal decree on the suprema junta de censura. |
06-22-1813 |
Quintana |
Garcia, Manuel to Manrrique, Josef. Declarations and sworn statements taken in the investigation of a trip to the yutas, taken by a number... |
09-06-1813 |
Quegue |
Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. |
06-08-1814 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro to Manrrique, Jose. Advisement of election of Miguel Armendaris as secretary of ayuntamiento of El Paso. |
07-20-1814 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro (teniente gobernador) (presidente). Proposition by extraordinary session of constitutional ayuntamiento for measures to... |
08-21-1814 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro to Rey, Ysidro. Adviser interim governor of completion of elections to the Cabildo. |
01-25-1815 |
Quinones |
Arce, Jose Maria de/Quinones, Pedro. List of persons contributing to the prestamo patriotico. |
03-09-1815 |
Quinones |
Maynez, Alberto. Discussion of contributions for support of troops - list of contributors and contributions. |
03-15-1815 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro. List of documents in the archives. |
05-01-1815 |
Quintana |
Salazar, Francisco. Administrative documents. |
06-13-1815 |
Quintana |
Valle, Francisco del to Maynes, Alberto. Concerns legal casee of Quintana and Juan Ignacio Naranjo. |
07-21-1815 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro. Documents added to archives and casas reales during 1805-1815. |
10-01-1815 |
Quiros |
. Outlines functions of consejo and camara de guerra. |
02-12-1816 |
Quinones |
Quinones, Pedro to Maynez, Alberto. Quinones notifies Maynez of stopping actions of newly re-elected alcaldes. |
03-13-1816 |
Quintana |
Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. |
08-05-1818 |
Quintana |
Francisco Ygnacio de Madariaga. Criminal case against Jose Felipe Ortis for wife beating. no verdict. Document incomplete. |
09-28-1818 |
Quintana |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Quintana |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Quevedo y Villanueva |
. Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. |
00-00-1821 |
Quintanar |
Hermanos, Troncoso. Blow by blow account of progress of war for independence and important people involved. |
08-09-1821 |
Quintana |
. Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. |
10-01-1821 |
Quintana |
. Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. |
10-01-1821 |
Quinones |
Melgares, Facundo. Copy of a September 9, 1821 bando from the diputation of Durango concerning the need to maintain newly won liberties. |
10-28-1821 |
Quintana |
Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. |
10-14-1712 |
Quintana |
Padre Juan Antonio de Arce al padre visitador general Joseph Xavier de Molina. Letter concerning effects of Yaqui revolt in Ostimuri,... |
06-30-1740 |