Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Virrey(?), Queipo de Llano & menocal about Barrio affair, bando publication, menocal's interim status. |
10-17-1770 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about remission of silver, rents, and inheritance |
11-22-1772 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about bando prohibiting gambling. |
02-25-1772 |
Quenenchose |
Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. |
07-13-1788 |
Quegocga |
Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and Revilla Gigeda concerning Indian auxiliaries, reduccion, rebellion. |
02-26-1790 |
Quemado |
Letters between Ugarte and other military officials concerning peace treaty with mescalero Indians. |
00-00-1779 |
Quixas |
Letters between Ugalde, other military administrators, various concerns. |
11-16-1788 |
Quemado |
Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. |
09-04-1787 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Virrey(?) and Mata concerning auditing of Barrio and remittance of silver to diputados. |
05-19-1773 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Queipo de Llano, Peramas, and Virrey(?) about Indian hostilities in 1773. |
11-30-1772 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letters between Lemus, Queipo de Llano and Virrey(?) concerning Indian violence and state of province in 1770. |
11-22-1769 |
Quemado |
Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. |
00-00-1777 |
Quijano |
Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. |
03-29-1773 |
Quijano |
Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. |
08-12-1772 |
Quevedo |
Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. |
10-19-1773 |
Quixote de la Mancha |
Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. |
10-19-1773 |
Quemado |
Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. |
09-12-1772 |
Quintana |
Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. |
10-17-1787 |
Quintana |
Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. |
10-17-1787 |
Qunitana |
Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. |
10-06-1768 |
Quevedo Zevallos |
Letters between Castaneda y Quevedo, Ruis de Guadiana, Nava and others about various administrative matters. |
03-07-1777 |
Quevedo Zevallos |
Letters between Castaneda y Quevedo, Ruis de Guadiana, Nava and others about various administrative matters. |
03-07-1777 |
Quevedo |
Letters between Canuto de Gonia and virrey concerning former's request for job transfer. |
12-10-1814 |
Quijas |
Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1784 |
Quintero |
Letters and documents concerning troop strength and military supplies in Nuevo Santander. |
11-13-1815 |
Quintero |
Letters and documents concerning troop strength and military supplies in Nuevo Santander. |
11-13-1815 |
Quipo de Llano |
Letters and autos from various officials to Fayni and Bucareli concerning military crisis of Nueva Vizcaya |
10-31-1771 |
Quintero |
Letters about Indian rebellion and accusations of military incompetence in defending area. |
00-00-1789 |
Queretaro |
Letter to viceroy from fray Mezquia regarding protection of missions and supply trains to missions. |
08-08-1731 |
Queypo de Llano |
Letter to lieutenant governor of El Paso del Rio del norte re: transfer of Queypo, money for expenses. |
07-20-1774 |
Quipo de Lana |
Letter of governor Fayni to viceroy Bucareli with related letter of Dominguez and Quipo de Lana(?) |
04-16-1773 |
Quinto |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning seizure of quevedo; publication of bandos. |
05-07-1771 |
Quevedo |
Letter from Virrey(?) to Fayni concerning seizure of quevedo; publication of bandos. |
05-07-1771 |
Quijada y Obejero |
Letter from viceroy to several government officials concerning appointment of Nava. |
08-22-1776 |
Quindre |
Letter from Tipperda to Bucareli concerning correspondence with Mezieres. |
03-30-1775 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letter from Queipo de Llano to Virrey(?) Reporting advice received from Oconor concerning treatment of Indian criminals. |
06-22-1773 |
Quindre |
Letter from Mezieres urging good treatment of Quindre. |
07-08-1774 |
Quindre |
Letter from Mezieres to Ripperda praising him for his hospitality towards Quindre and Calumer. |
01-00-1775 |
Quindre |
Letter from Messierre concerning different matters related to Quindre's charge. |
07-22-1774 |
Quiros y Seruis |
Letter from Indians complaining about a zanja made by a military in their land. |
11-23-1782 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. |
09-24-1774 |
Queipo de Llano |
Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey. |
04-25-1769 |
Quintero |
Letter from Arredondo to viceroy requesting recompense for battle fought by company three years previous. |
01-31-1799 |
Quintana |
Letter from Arredondo to viceroy requesting recompense for battle fought by company three years previous. |
01-31-1799 |
Quiros |
Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. |
07-01-1817 |
Quiros |
Letter and service records sent by Garcia Conde to virrey concerning payments to soldiers of altar presidio. |
07-01-1817 |
Quixas |
Legaxo numero 17 que comprende la correspondencia de la segunda compania Volante de la colonia de Nuevo Santander con la extinguida... |
10-30-1786 |
Quixas |
Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... |
03-16-1780 |
Quixada |
Legajo de lo operado en la contaduria mayor de cuentas sobre los cumulosos autos de la expedicion del capitan Fernando de Rivera y Moncada... |
03-16-1780 |
Quinteres |
Justicia de la Villa de Guemes remite testimonio de la cause de Perales de la muerte que dio a Flores. |
06-16-1776 |