Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Quinteran [untitled] 09-15-1759
Qui-Fie-Gusya [untitled] 02-02-1789
Quintin de Aristi [untitled] 02-23-1797
Quiros [untitled] 09-24-1636
Quincheligo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Quenaschine Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Quechinli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Queyanla Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Quedilchu Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches; rations listed. 01-05-1787
Quincheligo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quenascho Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quiachisi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Queyasta Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quedilchu Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quenaynchose Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quechilti Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Quincheligo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Quenaschini Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Quedilchu Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Queysta Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Quechinli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, rations, September to August 1787. 08-05-1787
Quenchelgo Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quenaschine Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Queyasta Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quedilchu Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quedigilti Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quediltis Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quenestli Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Queachisi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Quixano Weekly rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for June, July 1772; lists wages; signed by officers or justicias. 06-02-1772
Quixano Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuevo Santander for Aug, Sep, 1772. 08-01-1772
Quixano y Therano Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Quevara Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Quiros Virrey Gaspar de Sandoval Conde de Galve a padre Antonio Mendez. Carta del virrey. 09-16-1689
Quiroz Venta de un rancho 03-12-1688
Quejada Venta de hacienda 12-09-1664
Quiros Venta de esclavo. None Given
Quiroga Venta de esclavo 05-10-1665
Quesada Venta de esclavo AL-EZ-N.D.
Quiroz Vejaciones que a los indios de los rios Mayo y de Jaqui hacen los soldados de Sinaloa . 04-20-1689
Quixas Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Quedas Various letters from virrey (?) to Lasaga and others re: administrative matters in Nuevo Santander. 05-02-1781
Quiros y Millan Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Quijas varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Quijas varias comunicaciones entre el r.p.f. Francisco Garcia Diego, el pe. Felix Caballero, y la junta sobre averiguar el numero e misioneros que... 03-09-1836
Quiqui Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Queres Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Quintana Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Quintana Valle, Francisco del to Maynes, Alberto. Concerns legal casee of Quintana and Juan Ignacio Naranjo. 07-21-1815
Quiroga Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. 09-18-1807
