Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Quemado Letters between Ugarte and other military officials concerning peace treaty with mescalero Indians. 00-00-1779
Quegocga Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and Revilla Gigeda concerning Indian auxiliaries, reduccion, rebellion. 02-26-1790
Quenenchose Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Queipo de Llano Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about bando prohibiting gambling. 02-25-1772
Queipo de Llano Letters between Virrey(?) and Queipo de Llano about remission of silver, rents, and inheritance 11-22-1772
Queipo de Llano Letters between Virrey(?), Queipo de Llano & menocal about Barrio affair, bando publication, menocal's interim status. 10-17-1770
Quintanilla Letters by gumely and Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military and Indian affairs. 12-23-1788
Queipo de Llano Letters by Queipo de Llano & Carrillo to virrey & machado about military campaign and bando publication. 07-21-1770
Quimper Letters by Quimper to virrey and others concerning navigation trips. 11-06-1792
Quimper Letters by Quimper, Ossorio y Moctezuma and others concerning navigation issues. 01-09-1793
Quintana Letters concerning administrative promotions, and payment demands. 06-28-1796
Queipo de Llano Letters concerning different military matters regarding one of Cuellar's expeditions against Indians, also series of testimonies... 11-16-1768
Queypo de Llano Letters concerning Indian hostilities, military mobilization, civil-military-religious relations in 1770. 12-26-1769
Quimper Letters concerning maritime transportation of food, medicines and wood. 11-02-1787
Quiroz Letters concerning military promotions, and military replacements. 08-23-1780
Quiroz Letters concerning military promotions. 08-09-1780
Quinto Letters concerning pension expenditures given to three Dominican missionaries. 09-05-1795
Quintero Letters concerning refurnishing the militias of the Nuevo Reyno de Leon and Nuevo Santander with horses and mules 11-19-1806
Quiroz Letters concerning remittance of food to presidios de Californias. Record of medicines remitted to Acapulco. 01-08-1780
Quiroz Letters concerning remittance of food to presidios de Californias. Record of medicines remitted to Acapulco. 01-08-1780
Quijada Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. 04-29-1780
Quiroz Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. 04-29-1780
Quevedo Letters dealing with custom accounts not being remitted to real tribunal by ministers of the real hacienda. 02-03-1816
Quilas Letters from Arredondo and others concerning the collection and shipment of amount levied against last will and testaments. 02-20-1816
Quaron Letters from Barrio and Esquibel re: transmission of pleigo. 05-19-1770
Quiroga Letters from clergy of Sonora regarding the new method for physical and spiritual development in new and established missions 09-10-1772
Quintana Letters from Cueto y Vierna, Vaamonde, Wssl y Guinbarda, and additional unauthored letters to virrey of el reyno de Nuevo Leon concerning... 02-17-1782
Quiroz Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning troops organization for military inspection. 02-19-1788
Queipo de Llana Letters from Fayni to Bucareli concerning obtainment and deployment of cavalry in campaign of 1772. 05-16-1772
Quixano Letters from Garcia Alexo, others from quixano concerning the escape of Indians sent to Durango. 09-12-1820
Quintanilla Letters from Indians for virrey complaining that their lands have been taken it away. 07-17-1742
Quixano Letters from Medina to viceroy Mayorga and others. 03-14-1779
Quiscate Letters from Munoz concerning problems being encountered with lipanes first in this series begins with the phrase adjunta a v. Exa.. 05-08-1791
Quadros y Quevedo Letters from obispos and arzobispo to the virrey giving their opinions on the creation of an obispado in Nuevo Santander. 03-13-1759
Quijas Letters from officers to Ugalde concerning land litigation. 04-07-1788
Quimper Letters from Quimper, and Mendivil y Cisneros concerning maritime and port regulations. 01-16-1793
Quixano Letters from Royuela and Quixano to virrey concerning salary petitions. 09-29-1796
Quark Letters from Trudeau to Varela concerning highway robbery along border with U.S., and possible attack against Texas by U.S. expeditionary... 10-31-1815
Quijas Letters from Ugalde to detachment commanders and officials of primera compania. 08-00-1788
Quemado Letters from Ugarte to virrey concerning proposed trip to Coahuila to determine true relations with Indians in area. 08-13-1790
Quezada Letters from Ugarte, and others to viceroy concerning Apache raids in Chihuahua and Durango. 06-17-1788
Queipo de Llano Letters of Queipo de Llano and others concerning military crisis at Chihuahua. 02-29-1771
Quintamilla Letters regarding dealings with Indians, land distribution, military affairs, civil and religious offices, financial matters legal... 08-01-1768
Quiroz Letters requesting the building of presidio in Sonora 05-16-1691
Quijano Letters to Calleja and Arredondo from various intendentes of Provincias Internas concerning the accounting for gunpowder, bullets, and... 01-21-1810
Quixas Letters to virrey asking permission to retire, to visit Mexico City for cure, and requesting money, weapons and men to fight indians; sent... 02-01-1796
Queracapa Letters to virrey concerning relations with Indians in Coahuila and Ugarte's assignment to Guadalajara. 11-15-1790
Quijada Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796
Quiroz List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Quenaschine List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
