Pizarro |
Continuation of issue addressed in preceeding folios: allegations of mistreatment of pisones at mission Ygollo, related issues. |
00-00-1753 |
Picax-Ande Ynstintle de Ugalde |
Continuation of letters from Florez to Ugarte and Ugalde concerning treatment of mescalero Indians. |
09-09-1788 |
Palacios |
Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... |
02-10-1767 |
Posada |
Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... |
02-10-1767 |
Parrilla |
Continuation of preceeding folios in which fathers of various missions defend themselves against allegations of poor mission administration... |
02-10-1767 |
Pimas |
Continuation of serial 19700012, oficiales de nueva creacion y providencias, etc. concerning establishment of new presidios of Janos, San... |
06-19-1779 |
Puerto |
Continuation of serial 19700012, oficiales de nueva creacion y providencias, etc. concerning establishment of new presidios of Janos, San... |
06-19-1779 |
Perez |
Contra Andres Garcia y Tomas Perez, mulato, por robo y venta de esclavos. |
03-00-1649 |
Parga |
Contra Antonio de Escudero, Lorenzo Ventura, Miguel Peinado y Juan indios Apaches. Por hacer robo en la casa y tienda de Ignacia Barbara de... |
03-26-1761 |
Peinada |
Contra Antonio de Escudero, Lorenzo Ventura, Miguel Peinado y Juan indios Apaches. Por hacer robo en la casa y tienda de Ignacia Barbara de... |
03-26-1761 |
Primero |
Contra Jose Julian Garcia. Sobre heridos que dio a Juana Juliana Soto, mujer de Jose Ramon Primero. |
04-18-1780 |
Parroca |
Contra Juan Cordero por injurias a Francisco Pasos. |
03-25-1648 |
Posada |
Contrato de condiciones and related documents |
10-28-1783 |
Palma |
Conversion of Palma and his people to Catholicism. |
11-18-1776 |
Paez de Guzman |
copia de declaraciones recibidas sobre lo ocurrido el 14 de octubre con el ayuntamiento por haberse presentado a las nueve de la manana a s... |
08-31-1814 |
Patule |
Copia. de oficios respuestas del comandante general del oriente don Juan Ugalde sobre mezcaleros, lipanes, lipiyanes |
05-18-1785 |
Pizarro |
Copia. de oficios respuestas del comandante general del oriente don Juan Ugalde sobre mezcaleros, lipanes, lipiyanes |
05-18-1785 |
Perez de la Barreda |
Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. |
06-22-1774 |
Peralta |
Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. |
06-22-1774 |
Peralta |
Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. |
06-22-1774 |
Peralta |
Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. |
05-23-1779 |
Pineda |
Copy of Bonilla's informe sobre Sonora on ff. 7-33 of this tomo (88) |
01-01-1740 |
Palma |
Copy of letter from Garces to Bucareli re: establishment of mission in Yuma nation at request of capitan Palma. |
03-11-1779 |
Pena |
Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. |
01-22-1786 |
Plo y Alduan |
Copy of several letters between Ugarte, Diaz, viceroy, and other government officials concerning Parras and Saltillo. |
01-22-1786 |
Potau |
Copy of title of governorship granted to Emparan by king. |
10-31-1790 |
Pol |
Corbalan to Croix concerning province defense funds needed in Apache war. |
08-02-1771 |
Piniella |
Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Yaqui problems. |
07-08-1771 |
Pellerano |
Corbalan to Croix letters concerning Sinaloa salt trade. |
04-05-1771 |
Pineda |
Corbalan's correspondence concerning rebellion of Indians of Santa Lucia; Alcabalas; Alamos iron shipments. |
01-15-1771 |
Peiran |
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. |
04-29-1771 |
Pol |
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. |
04-29-1771 |
Perez |
Cordero petitions for endorsement in position of intendente of Durango. |
12-28-1818 |
Pedro Jose |
Coronel don Manuel de Vaamonde incluye copia de la instruccion de la provincia de el Nuevo Reino de Leon, que entrego a su subcesor el... |
03-06-1792 |
Palma |
Coronel don Pedro Fages to the comandante general, cav. de Croix. Copia a la letra de las diligencias practicadas sobre la sublevasion de... |
10-31-1781 |
Peinado |
Coronel Manuel Munoz, Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riba, justicia mayor. Detencion del gobernador de los indios Yaquis y 18 hombres de su... |
08-01-1781 |
Porras |
Coronel Manuel Munoz, Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riba, justicia mayor. Detencion del gobernador de los indios Yaquis y 18 hombres de su... |
08-01-1781 |
Palma |
Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. |
03-30-1774 |
Puyol |
Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. |
06-20-1768 |
Perales |
Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. |
06-20-1768 |
Peiran |
Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. |
06-20-1768 |
Pol |
Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. |
06-20-1768 |
Pineda |
Correspondence about status of weapons in Sinaloa . |
03-05-1767 |
Pineda |
Correspondence about troop movement for expedition of Sonora. |
04-20-1767 |
Portola |
Correspondence about troop movement for expedition of Sonora. |
04-20-1767 |
Posada |
Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. |
04-22-1785 |
Posada |
Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. |
02-07-1779 |
Potau de Portugal |
Correspondence among various officials concerning suspension of 'recargo de armamentos.' |
01-23-1787 |
Padilla |
Correspondence among various officials concerning suspension of 'recargo de armamentos.' |
01-23-1787 |
Peralta |
Correspondence and autos re: reconstruction of Horcasitas. |
11-12-1756 |