Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
PadillaBorego Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Padilla Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Padilla Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Padilla Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Padilla Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Padilla Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Phelipe Roybal, Santiago de (vicario y juez eclessiasttico) to Mendoza, Gaspar Domingo de (gobernador). Proceedings in case against Juan Marques... 07-29-1740
Paez Hurtado Roybal, Santiago de (vicario y juez eclessiasttico) to Mendoza, Gaspar Domingo de (gobernador). Proceedings in case against Juan Marques... 07-29-1740
Pered Roybal, Santiago de (vicario y juez eclessiasttico) to Mendoza, Gaspar Domingo de (gobernador). Proceedings in case against Juan Marques... 07-29-1740
Parrilla Royal request for information from missions. None Given
Palma Royal order to establish missions in territory of Gila and Colorado rivers. 02-01-1777
Puerta y Barrera Royal fiscal. Response of fiscal to reports of Indian problems in Nueva Viscaya. (fiscal to the king). 00-00-1750
Pedriza Routine correspondence between Vargas, captain of presidio of Pasaje, and virrey. 05-29-1763
Pedro Jose Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Pedro Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Pineda Rough drafts of letters from Pineda to Elizondo. 01-16-1770
Prada Roster of Bahia presidio. 12-01-1780
Perralta Roque de Cassaus. Pidiendo el remedio que necessitan los excessos de molestias e ynquietudes. 02-21-1639
Puga Roncal requests discharge and transfer to Mexico due to debilitating injury. 01-17-1794
Peres Velarde Romero, Francisco Xavier/Sandoval Martinez, Antonio. Continuation in sodomy proceedings and counter accusations of calumny. 07-27-1728
Perez Velarde Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Pena Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Paz Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Paez Hurtado Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Pacheco Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Pablo Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Puga Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, listed by squad; September and October Of 1778. 09-02-1778
Puga Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, listed by squad; September and October Of 1778. 09-02-1778
Puga Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, July and August, 1778. Includes locations of each squad. (A. Dean... 07-02-1778
Puga Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, July and August, 1778. Includes locations of each squad. (A. Dean... 07-02-1778
Pelona Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pitaycacheno Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pascual El Coyote Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pesida Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pascual El Guabesi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Peslaytigi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Paechin Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Perez de Texada Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres de la Cruz Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Perez Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
