Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Pedrueza Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Pavia Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Palma Account of de Anza's expeditions to Californiain relacion sent to viceroy Bucareli. 02-25-1777
Perez de la Fuente Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Pellecer Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Penurri Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Pastrana Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. 12-20-1769
Pineda Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Paruanarimuco Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Peres Serrano Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Pena Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Pena Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Pineda Accounts and receipts of food rations to the Indians in New Mexico. 00-00-1790
Posatoy Accounts and receipts of food rations to the Indians in New Mexico. 00-00-1790
Pajarito Accounts and receipts of food rations to the Indians in New Mexico. 00-00-1790
Paris Accounts and receipts of food rations to the Indians in New Mexico. 00-00-1790
Pena Accounts and receipts of gifts given to Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-05-1786
Penatra Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Presa Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Pitaycachi Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-28-1791
Pasqual El Coyote Accounts of expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches. 05-01-1791
Pinto Accounts of horses, mules destined for presidios of Nuevo Mexico. 03-09-1786
Paruanarimuco Accounts of horses, mules destined for presidios of Nuevo Mexico. 03-09-1786
Pertiz Accounts of horses, mules destined for presidios of Nuevo Mexico. 03-09-1786
Perida Accounts of payments for supplies for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-13-1787
Peres Accounts of payments for supplies for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-13-1787
Peles Serrano Accounts of payments for supplies for Bacoachi Apaches. 02-13-1787
Pitaycachi Accounts of rations to specific Apache families at Bacoachi. 12-31-1790
Padilla Accounts of reduccion expenditures for Pitic, Bacoachi. 12-14-1791
Puga Accounts of salaries paid to cavalry over year of 1772. 06-20-1773
Puga Accounts of salaries paid to cavalry over year of 1772. 06-20-1773
Patricio Accounts of special expenditures for Bacoachi Apaches, 1790. 12-31-1790
Padilla Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pinuelas Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Padilla Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pardo Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pardo Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pardo Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pardo Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pardo Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Patino Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Patino Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Patino Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Polanco Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Polanco Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Parra Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Polanco Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Pacheca Ruiz Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Parra Accounts pertaining to the members of Rivera y Moncada 's Colorado river expedition. 10-13-1764
Palazios acompamo a v.e. los 14 oficios originales que se sirve 07-10-1792
