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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Perez Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Peres de la Cruz Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Perez de Texado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Puzano Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Peres de la Crus Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Perea Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Porras Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Pizana Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. 07-02-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Pinilla Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Pizana Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Peres de la Cruz Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. 04-02-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Peres de la Cruz Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Pizana Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Perez Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 02-17-1773
Perez de Texada Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puente Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres de la Cruz Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Peres Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Prado Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Perez Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Puga Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. 12-01-1772
Pelona Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pitaycacheno Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pascual El Coyote Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Pesida Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
