Ortega |
Reports concerning payrolls for troops and navy of presidio of Loreto and other fiscal affairs. |
01-03-1794 |
Ovando |
Letter from Francisco Alvarez Osorio to viceroy concerning granting of pension upon retirement. |
11-22-1773 |
Ortega |
Letter from Fages, Lucero, Ortega to Viceroy concerning granting of status of disabled to ex-soldier from Loreto, in order to devote... |
10-18-1793 |
Ordones |
Letters from Panzua, Laba, Ordones, Davila and others to viceroy reporting on situation of missions of Nueva California, Nueva Vizcaya,... |
03-11-1767 |
Orrantia |
Proceso contra los neofitos de la mision de San Antonio llamados primo... |
12-15-1800 |
Ortega |
Proceso contra los neofitos de la mision de San Antonio llamados primo... |
12-15-1800 |
Olloqui |
Lessees of haciendas Arroyo Zarco and San Jose Mingo request legal action be taken against landlord for unlawful taxation. |
02-17-1797 |
Orizava |
Lessees of haciendas Arroyo Zarco and San Jose Mingo request legal action be taken against landlord for unlawful taxation. |
02-17-1797 |
Oliva |
Sobre viaticos a los r.r.p.p Martin, Oliva, Nuez, Escuder, Ripoll, y Olves que se trasladan a las misiones de Californias. |
05-10-1811 |
Olves |
Sobre viaticos a los r.r.p.p Martin, Oliva, Nuez, Escuder, Ripoll, y Olves que se trasladan a las misiones de Californias. |
05-10-1811 |
Olmedo |
Fray Domingo y Turrate del colegio de San Fernando sobre licencia para ir a la habana. |
12-12-1797 |
Ormaechea |
Sobre havilitacion de memorias y situados para la baxa California en el ano proximo de 1811. |
10-01-1810 |
O'Kelly |
Sparse chronological abstract of correspondence regarding 11 Americans illegally abandoned on shore of Californias near Monterrey by ship... |
04-29-1796 |
Ortega |
Habilitado general de Californias sobre que se concluyan los ajustes atrasados de presidios con preferencia por lo que interesan a la tropa... |
11-24-1784 |
Ortiz |
Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... |
04-29-1796 |
O'Kelly |
Expediente sobre la arribada a Monterrei de la Fragata Ynglesa americana el otro de Boston, su capitan Mr. Door, socorres que se le... |
04-29-1796 |
Ozaeta |
Informes by Ozaeta, Concepcion, Haro, others regarding acquisition of haciendas Guapango and Arroyo Zarco for Jesuit missions of California. |
08-20-1676 |
Ozio |
Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. |
11-13-1716 |
Ozio |
Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. |
11-13-1716 |
Ozio |
Infore by salas indicating that Ozio owes 666 pesos for Indian transfer. |
05-21-1775 |
Ozio |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Olachea |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Ortega |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Olachea |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Ozio |
Hostell's request for and Fernandez Somera's response to articles which discredit work of missions of California. |
05-07-1741 |
Osuna |
Hostell's request for and Fernandez Somera's response to articles which discredit work of missions of California. |
05-07-1741 |
Ocampo |
Autos and testimonies regarding dispersion of Muli's estate to creditors and others. |
07-07-1739 |
Obando Caseres |
Informe concerning Pena's implementation of board of management for lay persons. |
03-13-1741 |
Oteyza |
Guerrero Torres asks Fondo Piadoso de Californias for 6000 pesos for works of Oteyza, Larrasabal and Herrerias. |
06-17-1779 |
Oteyza |
Guerrero Torres asks Fondo Piadoso de Californias for 6000 pesos for works of Oteyza, Larrasabal and Herrerias. |
06-17-1779 |
Osorio |
Testament of Pena |
10-06-1740 |
Ortega |
Documents re: to debt of Fages to San Diego presido. |
10-27-1793 |
Olondriz |
Expediente formado sobre la resena de siete religiosos del colegio de San Fernando, como se expresa en la correspondiente resena. |
00-00-1793 |
Orio |
Expediente formado sobre la resena de siete religiosos del colegio de San Fernando, como se expresa en la correspondiente resena. |
00-00-1793 |
Ortega |
Documents regarding insanity of Leon Parrilla and his inability to serve post. |
12-13-1793 |
Ortega |
Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. |
11-19-1777 |
Ortega |
Summary of income and expenditures at haciendas belonging to misiones de Californias. |
12-00-1782 |
Ortega |
Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. |
03-23-1782 |
Oddi |
Series of documents from sales Carrillo and Gutierrez to real tribunal concerning cuentas de bienes confiscados. |
07-30-1772 |
Opero |
Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for June of 1777. |
07-17-1775 |
Ocellas |
Correspondence from the comisario del departamento de San Blas, Hijosa, to viceroy Bucareli for July 1777. |
03-16-1775 |
Ochoa |
Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. |
01-01-1798 |
Orrantia |
Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. |
06-15-1798 |
Orduna |
Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 |
12-31-1795 |
Oliden |
Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 |
12-31-1795 |
Ortega |
Payment to Guizarnotegui for contract with presidios and series of letters concerning contract procedures. |
06-20-1787 |
Ochoa |
Proposals from guizarnotegui and other merchants to supply presidial soldiers and companias Volantes; series of letters praising... |
05-14-1787 |
Ochoa |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Ortigosa |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |
Oton Passalle |
Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola |
09-10-1787 |