Ochoa |
1816 p.y. de occidente relaciones and letters concerning retirement discharges and promotions. |
09-08-1816 |
Olivar |
1816 p.y. de occidente relaciones and letters concerning retirement discharges and promotions. |
09-08-1816 |
Orio y Zubiate |
1811-el ilustrisimo comandante de la 10 brigada con oficio de 12 de septiembre |
11-28-1809 |
Oyaruide |
1775. Revistas. |
02-22-1775 |
Ossorio |
1775. Governor Gonzalez. Correspondencia con el senor mariscal de campo de Juan Fernando Palacios, con su asesor de licenciado don Jose de... |
00-00-1749 |
Ortega |
16. 1815. Provincias Internas del oriente numero 13. Libro. Glosa 57 numero 34.502 foxa 198 vuelta. El senor don Joaquin Arredondo remite... |
11-25-1814 |
Olavide |
153 documents concerning administrative matters at the port of San Blas. |
04-04-1794 |
Ocina |
1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey |
02-14-1779 |
Osorio y Llamas |
1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey |
02-14-1779 |
Ortiz de Landazuri |
1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey |
02-14-1779 |
Oliva |
...ta la cita del soldado de esta segunda compania Pedro Garcia comparecio ante mi y los de mi asistencia por citacion... |
05-10-1793 |
Ordas |
. Summary of the service records of the officers and sergeants assigned to the Santa Fee presidio company. |
10-01-1820 |
Ortiz |
. Royal cedula upholding archbishop of Santa Fe's publication of order of council of indies supporting expenditure of public funds for... |
11-23-1777 |
Ochoa |
. Report on the election of deputies to the Cortes from Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcayas. |
03-13-1814 |
Ortiz |
. Report on the election of deputies to the Cortes from Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcayas. |
03-13-1814 |
Ojal |
. Records of the real presidio de Santa Fee. |
01-18-1813 |
Ortiz |
. Re: northern nations and need for caution and vigilance. |
12-19-1810 |
Ortiz |
. Re: census in San Miguel del Vado. |
00-00-1813 |
Otermin |
. Petitions and responses of Santa Fe Cabildo in El Paso to governor seeking permission to relocate and refusal of such by governor. |
08-18-1684 |
Ortiz |
. Petition for new road. |
07-12-1813 |
Ortega |
. Petition for new road. |
07-12-1813 |
Ortiz |
. Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. |
05-27-1788 |
Olgin |
. Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. |
08-01-1712 |
O'donoju |
. On naming of Yturbide as head of military and organization of regency. |
09-29-1821 |
Ochoa |
. Official records of the compania de Santa Fee. |
03-00-1810 |
Orihuela |
. note to comandante general acknowledging receipt and distribution of bando announcing bishop of Orihuela's appointment as patriarch... |
08-01-1814 |
Ortiz |
. Muster roll of troops stationed at Abiquiu. |
00-00-1806 |
Ochoa |
. Monthly records of the cavalry company of Santa Fee. |
01-00-1811 |
Osollo |
. Military records for 1815 and 1816. Finances, salaries, census. |
01-16-1816 |
Ortiz |
. List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. |
00-00-1793 |
Ortiz |
. Index of documents from 1788. |
00-00-0000 |
Ortis |
. Incomplete set of recommendations for the economic development of New Mexico drawn up by a junta held in Santa Fee. |
06-17-1805 |
Ortis |
. Incomplete set of recommendations for the economic development of New Mexico drawn up by a junta held in Santa Fee. |
06-17-1805 |
Ortega |
. Extracto de las novedades occurridas en la provincia de Nuevo Mexico. |
11-20-1801 |
Ortis |
. Dealing with military affairs - possibly service records - badly mutilated. |
00-00-1820 |
Ortiz |
. Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of... |
11-00-1814 |
Olguin |
. Citizens of Ojo Caliente complain of high religious fees. |
10-01-1820 |
Ortiz |
. Appointment of Ortiz as alcalde. |
03-09-1816 |
Oritz |
. Account of gifts for allied Indians. |
01-22-1802 |
Ortiz |
#30 exmos. Sres..... documents concerning administrative activities at the piadoso fondo de California. |
04-01-1837 |