Ortega |
Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. |
08-14-1680 |
Olivan y Revolledo |
Autos concerning movement of tlaxcalan families to Casafuerte in Coahuila to strengthen this colony. |
06-08-1735 |
Oro y Campa |
Autos concerning missions and taxes. |
10-11-1737 |
Olivares |
Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. |
12-13-1723 |
Olivares |
Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. |
12-13-1723 |
Olivan Rebolledo |
Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. |
12-13-1723 |
Orobio Bazterra |
Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas |
02-18-1739 |
Orosco |
Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas |
02-18-1739 |
Olivan |
Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas |
02-18-1739 |
Ortega |
Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. |
00-00-1690 |
Ortega |
Autos concerning establishment and conditions of San Isidrio. |
01-20-1751 |
Odriozola |
Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Altamira. |
10-27-1750 |
Orthega |
Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Altamira. |
10-27-1750 |
Oyarvide |
Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Horcasitas by Escandon. |
11-12-1750 |
Olivera |
Autos by Pena, Tages and Arguello regarding scandal involving Albitre. |
05-25-1785 |
Ojeda |
Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. |
01-23-1790 |
Ocampo |
Autos and testimonies regarding dispersion of Muli's estate to creditors and others. |
07-07-1739 |
Ossio |
Autos and decreto by Mena, Jover, Ossio and others regarding mining and livestock matters in Santa Rosalia ranch vecinity. |
11-19-1753 |
Ortega |
Autos about visits to presidios of Provincias Internas. |
00-00-1734 |
Orizaba |
Autos about prosecution of Murgier and Puga who are accused of killing five Indians in cold blood. |
01-04-1794 |
Oyos |
Autos about attack by a cayman (crocodile) and subsequent drowning of horse and soldier in route to presidio San Antonio. |
06-23-1734 |
Ontiberos |
Autos a pedimento de Alonso de Ontiberos para que se enrie de sacar plata. |
03-12-1655 |
Ochoa |
Auto of testimony defending rights of Indians. |
04-12-1779 |
Ochoa Xara |
Auto of testimony defending rights of Indians. |
04-12-1779 |
Ochoa Xasamillo |
Auto of testimony defending rights of Indians. |
04-12-1779 |
Oca Sarmiento |
Auto fechos en virtud de Real Zedula en que manda se pongan dos presidios de a 25 soldados cada uno en cuencame y Gallo. |
00-00-1670 |
Ozio |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Olachea |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Ortega |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Olachea |
Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. |
10-26-1753 |
Ontiveros |
Authorization to open silver mine. |
10-30-1654 |
Ortiz |
Augustin de Arriola al padre visitador Lucas Luis Alvarez. Letter concerning state of Yaqui missions. |
05-23-1749 |
Ortiz |
Augustin de Arriola (S.J.) to Patricio de Ymaz (S.J.). Letter concerning Yaqui unrest. |
07-07-1750 |
Ortiz Parrilla |
Augustin de Ahumada Villalon Mendoza y Narvaez; Thoribio de Urrutia. Arms for San Antonio de Bexar. |
04-00-1758 |
Ortiz |
Audit and settling of accounts of deceased habilitado Perez Fernandez |
11-26-1805 |
Ortiz Parrilla |
Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. |
04-19-1778 |
O'conor |
Assigning of positions for expedition. |
03-17-1771 |
Ortis |
Arteaga, Manuel de. |
09-16-1805 |
Ortiz |
Arteaga, Manuel de to Guerrero, Antonio. Refusal of some citizens of Belen to cooperate on work on bridge on Rio Grande near San Phelipe. |
04-01-1791 |
Olguin |
Armixo, Julian de. Armixo complied with order to turn over mule to Olguin, but now wants his side of story heard and the mule returned to... |
09-17-1765 |
Ortis |
Armijo, Juan. Reporting on a navajo campaign and a mutiny (motin). |
10-23-1821 |
Ortega Montanez |
Arcobispo de Mexico Juan de Ortega Montanez. Auto perteneciente a la entrega de tierra a los indios chichinecos babozarigames. |
04-04-1702 |
Ortega |
Arce, Jose Maria de. Review of assignments and supplies of the Santa Fe company and specific inventory of effects of soldier Narciso Martin. |
11-04-1820 |
Ortiz |
Arce, Francisco Manuel de (tesorero). Receipt for New Mexico's contribution toward donativo. |
05-27-1798 |
Ortiz |
Aragon, Manuel. Service records of militia at Canada. |
12-31-1817 |
Otermin |
Apuntes sobre pagamentos de situados. |
04-03-1777 |
Ocayn |
Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. |
07-22-1806 |
Ocain |
Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. |
07-22-1806 |
Ochoa Arin y Ezeiza |
Apache attack on San Antonio presidio and French spies. |
02-00-1723 |
Ortiz |
Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... |
08-14-1786 |