Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Noriega Rivera's visita to presidios of northern frontier of New Spain 12-07-1728
Navarrette Documents concerning legal jurisdiction in Yucatan 08-27-1759
Nunes de Moral Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Neira y Quiroga Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Navarrete Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Navarrol Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Nicolas Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Navarro Juan Francisco de Goyeneche to Juan Isidro Pardinas Villar de Francos letter concerning Indians Ostimuri. 11-09-1689
Nina Letters requesting the building of presidio in Sonora 05-16-1691
Nina Letters requesting the building of presidio in Sonora 05-16-1691
Namiquipa Formation of flying company; erection of new presidio 06-19-1691
Noboasalgado Investigation Indian mistreatment in Coaguila. 05-06-1688
Noriega Supplies. 01-31-1771
Noriega Financial account for Nuevo Santander 00-00-1770
Noriega Letters to virrey concerning conditions of Nuevo Santander, fulfillment of orders of crown. 02-02-1768
Noriega Letter from viceroy (?) to governor concerning legalities of various trade items. 12-15-1770
Noriega Letter to virrey from governor regarding salt mining. 01-08-1771
Noriega Letters regarding dealings with Indians, land distribution, military affairs, civil and religious offices, financial matters legal... 08-01-1768
Nogaro Letters regarding dealings with Indians, land distribution, military affairs, civil and religious offices, financial matters legal... 08-01-1768
Niz Reports of expenditures for canary island immigrants to Quautitlan. 08-30-1730
Niz Reports of expenditures for canary island immigrants to Quautitlan. 08-30-1730
Nunez Morillo Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Nunes Morillo Criminal charges against Abila, Phelipe de 04-14-1730
Nis Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Nis Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Nunez Morillo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Nis Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Niz Informes from Sandoval to viceroy Vizarron concerning distribution of land and water rights for the canary island colonists. 01-04-1736
Nozedal Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. 06-27-1767
Neve Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778
Nocedal Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778
Navarro Correspondence related to arrival of Fragata nuestra senora de los remedios. 02-24-1778
Neve Correspondence with Ruiz de: shipping of supplies to San Diego, San Francisco and Monterrey. 02-28-1778
Nuqui Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of May. 04-25-1778
Neve Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for months of September and October. 09-19-1778
Nozedal Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of November. 11-04-1778
Noriega Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of November. 11-04-1778
Neve Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of December. 12-19-1778
Neve Padre Francisco Antonio Barbastro to virrey Conde de Revilla Gigedo, informe concerning missions of Pimeria Alta. 12-01-1793
Naranjo Autos sobre el alzamiento de indios en el Nuevo Mexico. 11-04-1681
Noriega y Bada Quejas contra gobernador sobre juegos de azar y otros puntos. 02-30-1797
Noriega Sobre venida a Mexico de seis indios del real del vallecillo 10-18-1791
Nava Brasinas Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. 00-00-1696
Noriega Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. 00-00-1696
Nicolas Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. 00-00-1696
Nava de Brasinas Autos to viceroy about miscellaneous items in province of New Mexico. 10-27-1705
Neira U Quiroga The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Nava Debt of Lasaga to fondo gratificacion 00-00-1784
Nabarra Imprisonment of Joseph Antonio Charles for desertion 05-19-1801
Nolan Appointment of military officers to fill political vacancies 01-12-1798
