Martinez de Soria |
Series of letters sent to viceroy explaining need for militia creation in Colotlan and Nayarit. |
11-22-1777 |
Maesa |
Series of letters seeking approval of reward for soldiers who acted heroically against Apaches |
09-18-1788 |
Merino |
Series of letters reporting heroic action against Indians by soldiers of presidio de Janos |
05-23-1788 |
Martinez |
Series of letters relating to transfer of fray Romero and fray Sanchez Hervas from Spain to California. |
02-24-1804 |
Marquina |
Series of letters relating to Lujan's request that he receive pay owed him for time that he was hospitalized. |
11-03-1801 |
Menchaca |
Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. |
08-27-1791 |
Monterde |
Series of letters re: request by Castro to retire with half salary. |
03-31-1802 |
Marquez |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... |
08-18-1780 |
Mayorga |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... |
08-18-1780 |
Merino |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... |
08-18-1780 |
Mesia |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because... |
08-18-1780 |
Monterde |
Series of letters from Parada, Monterde and others concerning military and administrative ordinances |
10-04-1787 |
Murgier |
Series of letters from officers to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1768 |
Monserrat |
Series of letters from Monserrat and Tienda de Cuervo concerning pacification of Indians in Sonora. |
05-02-1761 |
Mendoza |
Series of letters from Monserrat and Tienda de Cuervo concerning pacification of Indians in Sonora. |
05-02-1761 |
Mendoza |
Series of letters from Mendoza to virrey concerning various military and administrative affairs in Pimeria Alta. |
11-16-1754 |
Montesinos de Lara |
Series of letters from Mendoza to virrey concerning various military and administrative affairs in Pimeria Alta. |
11-16-1754 |
Marfil |
Series of letters from Marfil and Benitez, asking for better job in future. |
06-02-1777 |
Martinez del Campo |
Series of letters from Marfil and Benitez, asking for better job in future. |
06-02-1777 |
Mexia |
Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes |
10-19-1790 |
Martinez de Aleson |
Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander |
09-11-1790 |
Madrid |
Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. |
03-22-1768 |
Mayorga |
Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. |
03-22-1768 |
Marin del Valle |
Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. |
03-22-1768 |
Manuel Anttonio |
Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. |
03-22-1768 |
Menchaca |
Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. |
07-14-1791 |
Munoz |
Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. |
07-14-1791 |
Montenegro |
Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. |
07-14-1791 |
Malo de Villavisensio |
Series of letters from Castillo de Aysa to viceroy concerning need to populate the northern frontier. |
12-21-1740 |
Mendinueta |
Series of letters dealing with applications from several military officials seeking to fill position left vacant |
12-18-1788 |
Mora |
Series of letters concerning request made by Verger that free postage be granted to missionaries serving in California. |
12-18-1773 |
Mateos |
Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. |
10-24-1804 |
Menchaca |
Series of letters concerning deposition to be made by Valdes. |
05-00-1791 |
Martinez del Campo |
Series of letters concerning Araujo's completion of medical studies before departure to California. |
01-24-1804 |
Marshall |
Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. |
04-17-1820 |
Maffet |
Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. |
04-17-1820 |
Mcdonald |
Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. |
04-17-1820 |
Milsap |
Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. |
04-17-1820 |
Medina |
Series of letters between virrey and Campo concerning salary he should receive sa secretario interino of Provincias Internas. |
06-26-1818 |
Mendinueta |
Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. |
03-17-1786 |
Martinez de Alba |
Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy |
05-24-1792 |
Muzquiz |
Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy |
05-24-1792 |
Moreno |
Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
05-25-1787 |
Murgier |
Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
05-25-1787 |
Mascorro |
Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
05-25-1787 |
Marin |
Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. |
01-01-1798 |
Mathias |
Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... |
11-16-1721 |
Mendez de Liebano |
Series of letters about administration and reorganization of presidios and some mines, between Gatuno and the viceroy |
10-01-1756 |
Mendez |
Series of letters about administration and reorganization of presidios and some mines, between Gatuno and the viceroy |
10-01-1756 |
Menchaca |
Series of judicial documents about conflict between government officials in San Antonio de Bejar. Conflict arose out of some orders... |
04-14-1735 |