Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Joseph Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Jesus Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Juan Diego Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it 02-01-1768
Juan Pablo Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it 02-01-1768
Jara Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Juan Alumis Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Joseph Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Juan Ramon Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Jacobo Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Juan Ramon Series of autos and testimonies describing the type of abuses committed by Baes against hacendados of real de Vallecillos 09-17-1790
Juana Maria Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Juna Nicolas Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Jara Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Janos Secretario de gobernacion y guerra Juan Francisco de Espino al difinidor Fray Juan de Granados. Peticion de los autoridades civiles que dos... 01-28-1726
Jacobo Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Juan Cortes Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Concordia sobre encomienda Francisco de Gorraez Beaumont- governor Nueva Vizcaya. 08-20-1665
Joycat Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Concordia sobre encomienda Francisco de Gorraez Beaumont- governor Nueva Vizcaya. 08-20-1665
Jaranillo Santiago Garcia. Garcia sees a cow he believes is his and attempts to recover it. 08-18-1762
Jaramillo Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Josef Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Jaramillo Sanches, Ysidro. Criminal proceedings against Ysidro Sanches for assault against Lorenzo Trujillo. 09-28-1732
Jugo Salvador Padilla, Jose Barbasa y Cabrera. Vicencio Cortes del rey contra Domingo de Jugo. 00-00-1752
Juachin Salvador Garcia-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning the navajo, juachin, and precautions taken. 10-25-1818
Juan Sale of slave 04-16-1655
Jaramillo Ruiz, Manuel to Jaramillo, Cristoval. Letter encouraging contributions to war effort against the insurgents. 04-22-1815
Jorlier Royal order. 02-21-1805
Jose El Cautivo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Juan El Surdo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jasque Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Judeo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jayundi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jose Antonio Sitabislone Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jaramillo Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel... 09-08-1793
Joseph Miguel Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, redisio and mission abandonment and peace with Indians. 03-30-1773
Joseph Miguel Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Jacome Gonzales Rey, Ysidro to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Concerning the reconstruction of the curch at Senecu, which is a ruined state. 09-26-1805
Juarez Revistas of all companias of Nueva Vizcaya, December 1816. 12-01-1816
Jose Christoval Revista de la segunda compania Volante de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. 07-31-1795
Jurado Request to return to Spain for Manuel Cueto y Vierna. 02-15-1785
Juez Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category. 10-29-1772
Jacobo Reports of newly pacified Nayarit, remaining trouble spots. 07-07-1722
Jacinto Reports of military excursions to patroll Naiarit. 03-03-1724
Jesus Barela Reports of Larramendi and Maynez concerning payments to soldiers. 12-31-1817
Juarez Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, Chihuahua. 13-32-1789
Juarez Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. 12-20-1775
Jullian Flores de San Pedro Reports of defense, Indian threat in Nayarit. 01-08-1724
Jianos Reports of defense, Indian threat in Nayarit. 01-08-1724
Juana Reports from Villaescusa and Narbona concerning payments to soldiers at Bavispe presidio. 12-30-1816
Joes Cruz Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. 06-30-1817
Joseph Reports from beginning of campaign to reconquer Nayarit. 02-11-1724
