Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Jullian Flores de San Pedro Reports of defense, Indian threat in Nayarit. 01-08-1724
Jianos Reports of defense, Indian threat in Nayarit. 01-08-1724
Juarez Reports of events on frontier from Munoz. 12-20-1775
Juarez Reports of Indian raids in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora, Chihuahua. 13-32-1789
Jesus Barela Reports of Larramendi and Maynez concerning payments to soldiers. 12-31-1817
Jacinto Reports of military excursions to patroll Naiarit. 03-03-1724
Jacobo Reports of newly pacified Nayarit, remaining trouble spots. 07-07-1722
Juez Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category. 10-29-1772
Jurado Request to return to Spain for Manuel Cueto y Vierna. 02-15-1785
Jose Christoval Revista de la segunda compania Volante de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. 07-31-1795
Juarez Revistas of all companias of Nueva Vizcaya, December 1816. 12-01-1816
Jacome Gonzales Rey, Ysidro to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Concerning the reconstruction of the curch at Senecu, which is a ruined state. 09-26-1805
Joseph Miguel Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Joseph Miguel Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, redisio and mission abandonment and peace with Indians. 03-30-1773
Jaramillo Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel... 09-08-1793
Jose El Cautivo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Juan El Surdo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jasque Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Judeo Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jayundi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jose Antonio Sitabislone Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Jorlier Royal order. 02-21-1805
Jaramillo Ruiz, Manuel to Jaramillo, Cristoval. Letter encouraging contributions to war effort against the insurgents. 04-22-1815
Juan Sale of slave 04-16-1655
Juachin Salvador Garcia-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning the navajo, juachin, and precautions taken. 10-25-1818
Jugo Salvador Padilla, Jose Barbasa y Cabrera. Vicencio Cortes del rey contra Domingo de Jugo. 00-00-1752
Jaramillo Sanches, Ysidro. Criminal proceedings against Ysidro Sanches for assault against Lorenzo Trujillo. 09-28-1732
Josef Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Jaramillo Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Jaranillo Santiago Garcia. Garcia sees a cow he believes is his and attempts to recover it. 08-18-1762
Juan Cortes Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Concordia sobre encomienda Francisco de Gorraez Beaumont- governor Nueva Vizcaya. 08-20-1665
Joycat Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Concordia sobre encomienda Francisco de Gorraez Beaumont- governor Nueva Vizcaya. 08-20-1665
Jacobo Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Janos Secretario de gobernacion y guerra Juan Francisco de Espino al difinidor Fray Juan de Granados. Peticion de los autoridades civiles que dos... 01-28-1726
Jara Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Juana Maria Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Juna Nicolas Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Juan Ramon Series of autos and testimonies describing the type of abuses committed by Baes against hacendados of real de Vallecillos 09-17-1790
Joseph Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Juan Ramon Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Jacobo Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Juan Alumis Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Jara Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Juan Diego Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it 02-01-1768
Juan Pablo Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it 02-01-1768
Jesus Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724
Joseph Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Jacome Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773
Juan Esteban Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Jacinto Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
