Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Hepeta Correspondence of Serra and Neve to Bucareli and Croix on conditions and status of California missions (quaderno segundo), 1777-1779. 10-20-1775
Herran Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Herrera Correspondence on the drainage-irrigation project of San Francisco, San Juan de Letran and mariscala los galos streets in Mexico. 06-27-1791
Herrera Correspondence re: assistance for Voluntarios de Cataluna. 12-21-1777
Hierro Correspondence re: assistance for Voluntarios de Cataluna. 12-21-1777
Honorato de Rivera Correspondence re: construction of canal, churches; pearl diving. 02-01-1776
Hijosa Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Herrera Correspondence re: costs of repairs to ships Mexicana, and Princesa including estimate of prices for materials and labor. 03-31-1794
Hijosa Correspondence re: documents in Bodega's possesion at time of death that are to be archived. 05-03-1794
Herrera Correspondence re: exchange of alfereces Abla and Trevino between Riogrande and Lampazos. Exchange granted on interim basis. 05-22-1797
Hijosa Correspondence re: expenses of expedicion de Sonora. 03-26-1773
Hixosa Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Hernandes Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Hudson Correspondence re: financial accounts for exploration of California coast 1789-1792. 01-01-1789
Hijosa Correspondence re: financing of expedicion de Sonora. 05-01-1770
Hixosa Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Hijosa Correspondence re: Garcia Galindo's request for remainder of expense money for trip to San Blas to relieve Monterde as contador. 10-31-1794
Hixosa Correspondence re: granting of salary for criados employed on various expeditions. 07-23-1789
Herrera Correspondence re: granting of salary for criados employed on various expeditions. 07-23-1789
Herrera Correspondence re: Herrera's inability to answer various superior orders from virrey due to grave illness. 09-24-1798
Herrera Correspondence re: Herrera's solicitation grade of coronel. 08-19-1799
Herrera Leiba Correspondence re: Herrera's solicitation grade of coronel. 08-19-1799
Hixosa Correspondence re: Matute's state of ill health. 01-28-1794
Herrera Correspondence re: military salaries, finances and supplies including cuenta from compania Volante de Nuebo Santander. 06-30-1777
Hijosa Correspondence re: money sent to rosa Callis for trip from Veracruz to Mexico. 07-22-1769
Herrera Correspondence re: naming of Santos Coy to vacated position of teniente of compania de Vallecillo. 09-02-1799
Hijosa Correspondence re: Ocio y Mena's request for employment in contaduria de marina in San Blas 09-25-1794
Herrera Correspondence re: peace and war with Apaches in Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcaya, including expenses and treatment. 02-20-1779
Herrera Correspondence re: perjuicios suffered by Indians on trying to sell produce in Bolanos and Zacatecas. Includes letter of complaints from... 06-16-1792
Herrera Correspondence re: permission for two soldiers and one capitan to go to capital. 08-05-1799
Hixosa Correspondence re: permission granted to directors of Gremios mayores de Madrid to conduct expedicion de comercio carrying supplies from... 03-28-1794
Herrera Correspondence re: Pore's request to build schooner in order to transport goods to California. 02-11-1786
Hixosa Correspondence re: Pore's request to build schooner in order to transport goods to California. 02-11-1786
Herrera Correspondence re: receipt of estado de fuerzas y diario de novedades from compania de Lampazos. 08-03-1799
Herrera Correspondence re: request by Cruz and two other ayugua Indians for passport to allow them to see virrey about wrong done them by Tato. 02-12-1797
Hixosa Correspondence re: request by despenseros to be paid salaries and rations while ashore not just while at sea or on campaign. 03-31-1794
Hixosa Correspondence re: request by ministerio de San Blas for extension in presenting cuentas to tribunal due to illness of Monterde and lack of... 04-16-1793
Herrera Correspondence re: request by ministerio de San Blas for extension in presenting cuentas to tribunal due to illness of Monterde and lack of... 04-16-1793
Herrera Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. 09-10-1791
Hixosa Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. 09-10-1791
Hateaga Correspondence re: request by Tovar for salary while employed as amanuense. 09-10-1791
Hugarte Correspondence re: shipment of supplies for construction of Marina of San Blas sent from Spain on Navio San Lorenzo. 06-23-1794
Hixosa Correspondence re: shipment of supplies for construction of Marina of San Blas sent from Spain on Navio San Lorenzo. 06-23-1794
Hixosa Correspondence re: shipment of supplies to San Blas. Includes lists of items and costs. 03-06-1790
Herrera Correspondence re: shipment of supplies to San Blas. Includes lists of items and costs. 03-06-1790
Herrera Correspondence re: state of forces at Lampazos. 10-01-1799
Herrera Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to appointments and expenses of provincias under Nava's direction. 08-13-1794
Hinojos Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to various appointments and other administrative matters. 07-22-1794
Herrera Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to various appointments and other administrative matters. 07-22-1794
Hixosa Correspondence re: supplies needed in San Blas. 04-18-1793
