Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Florez Letters of Cerecedo concerning military troops and his service. 10-07-1785
Fernandez Notes and letters concerning appointment of Cancio as captain of Santa Rosa presidio 05-28-1755
Flores de Abrego Letters from Cancio on military affairs and response from officials in Mexico 02-08-1762
Fernandez Letters from Cancio to viceroy concerning presidial affairs and campaigns against indians 01-16-1762
Fernandez Letters from Alderete to viceroy about affairs at Santa Rosa presidio 01-15-1764
Falcon Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Flores Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Fernandes Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Fages [untitled] 04-03-1773
Fuente Fernandes Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Flores Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Flores Official correspondence of Oca with viceroy and others 05-06-1769
Fernandez Noticias sobre la venida y situacion de los corsarios 04-01-1816
Farbes Noticias sobre la venida y situacion de los corsarios 04-01-1816
Flouves Junta de Marina del Apostadero de San Blas 08-27-1816
Fajonar Corsair attacks on Spanish ships delaying supplies to alta California 00-00-0000
Forbes Corsair attacks on Spanish ships delaying supplies to alta California 00-00-0000
Forbes Transition of governments in the Californias 03-12-1822
Fernandez de San Vicente Transition of government in the Californias 04-01-1822
Foba Sinking of brigantine cantabro, loss of supplies, loss of boat in Loreto 03-08-1816
Farnes Diary of expedition by Juan Baptista de Ansa from Sonora to Californias 09-17-1773
Fanabal Explorations of fray Garces of Gila and Colorado rivers 04-27-1774
Fages Explorations of fray Garces of Gila and Colorado rivers 04-27-1774
Flores de Valdes Certification of expenses for a proposed building. 04-14-1770
Flores Letter from Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1737
Franz Letter of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 11-21-1772
Franz Letter of governor Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 01-20-1773
Fayni Letter of governor Ugarte to king 04-23-1773
Fermin Diarios of Coahuila commanders in O'Conor's general campaign of 1775/1776 03-09-1775
Fueros Letter of governor Ugalde to viceroy Bucareli 12-29-1777
Fueros Letters of governor Fueros to viceroy Galvez with related table and draft response 08-11-1783
Fueros 2 letters of governor Tueros to viceroy Mathias Galvez and Bernardo Galvez with draft responses 03-08-1784
Fueros Letter of viceroy Flores(?) to governor Fueros 10-09-1787
Flores Letter of governor Fuerros to viceroy Flores 10-06-1787
Fuero Letter of governor Fuerros to viceroy Flores 10-06-1787
Fueros Letter of viceroy Flores to governor Fueros 01-10-1788
Fueros Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 08-12-1788
Flores Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 08-12-1788
Fueros Pedro Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 00-00-0000
Flores Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 00-00-0000
Fueros Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 01-01-1788
Florez Letter of governor Fueros to viceroy Flores 01-01-1788
Flores Letter of governor Guitierrez to viceroy Flores and draft response 05-20-1789
Flores Two draft letters of viceroy Flores(?) to governor Guiterrez and letter of response 10-03-1789
Fuero Letter of Guitierrez to Conde de Revilla Gigedo and 2 draft responses 11-06-1789
Fuentes Letters of viceroy Conde de Galvez(?) to Condamo and Emparan with responses 12-14-1790
Flores de Valde Letters, indexes of letters and correspondence of governor Emparan and viceroy Revilla Gigedo 01-24-1791
Falcon Letters, indexes of letters and correspondence of governor Emparan and viceroy Revilla Gigedo 01-24-1791
Forsco Correspondencia con el teniente governador de Coaguila don Juan Garcia de Preneda, ano de 1739 08-01-1739
Flores Instructions to incoming gobernador of Coahuila, Sesma y Escudero, from virrey 12-13-1755
