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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Fueros Corbalan to Croix letter-moving (Casa Marca; silver smuggling. 01-15-1771
Funon Corbalan to Croix letter-moving (Casa Marca; silver smuggling. 01-15-1771
Fueros Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771
Fueros Corbalan's index of letters to virrey from 29 July, through 07 September, 1773. 07-29-1773
Felin y Toyores Correspondce directed to virrey re: method and formalities for haldling ecclesiastic vacancies; revocation of exemption from praying... 09-25-1797
Fronteras Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. 03-30-1774
Fueros Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. 03-30-1774
Florez Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Florez Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Fueros Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Frixoles Correspondence and diary by Cuellar concerning one of his military campaigns against Indians. 06-08-1769
Fernandez Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Fernandez Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Florez Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Fuente Clara Correspondence and edicts from viceroy to various civil officials in Nueva Vizcaya during 1776. 08-09-1776
Florez Correspondence between Allande, Ugarte, viceroy, and other government officials concerning endowment of Allande's wife. 08-06-1776
Francisco Mendoza Correspondence between Antonio de Ozio and governor of Californian peninsula regarding the branding of livestock. 11-13-1716
Fajes Correspondence between Anza and viceroy Bucareli concerning Anza's expedition to open land route from Sonora to California. 01-03-1774
Flores Correspondence between Arredondo and virrey concerning diverse routine administrative affairs. 06-18-1817
Florez Correspondence between authors re: peace with lipiyan capitan, incl. diary. 05-02-1788
Florez Maldonado Martinez de Angulo y Bodquin Correspondence between authors re: peace with lipiyan capitan, incl. diary. 05-02-1788
Florez Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. 04-13-1788
Francejito Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. 04-13-1788
Florez Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Felix Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Fuente Correspondence between Blanco and virrey concerning passing of command of Santander to Sanson while Blanco and Conde de Sierra Gorda are... 09-28-1795
Forzida Correspondence between Bonavia and comandante general regarding border defense plan, troops and logistics discussed. 04-25-1809
Fernando Septimo Correspondence between Bonavia and comandante general regarding border defense plan, troops and logistics discussed. 04-25-1809
Fernando Septimo Correspondence between Bonavia and Yraeta regarding border defense of Texas, requiring U.S. citizens to carry passports, and Spanish... 03-12-1810
Flores Correspondence between Bucareli and Cazorla for 1774 and 1775. 02-01-1774
Fayni Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. 00-00-1750
Fernandez Correspondence between Caballero de Croix and virrey Mayorga on administrative matters of the Provincias Internas Jan.-March 1782. 01-02-1782
Flor Correspondence between Cabello and Galbez for year 1785. 19-08-1785
Felix Correspondence between Cancio, Cruillas, and others concerning establishment of Buenavista. 12-07-1759
Flores Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Falcon Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Farias Correspondence between Castro, Tovar, and viceroy concerning battle against Lipanes. 04-11-1792
Fernandez Correspondence between Cazorla and Bucareli. Years 1776 and 1777. 05-01-1776
Flores Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
Fitzgerald Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Flores Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Flores Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 07-09-1790
Flores Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Franco Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Flores Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Flores Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Fabian Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Florida Blanca Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Fuente Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and virrey concerning naming of new Alferezes to replace those killed or wounded during... 03-07-1795
Funon Correspondence between Corbalan and Bucareli re: military expedition finances; vandos on caudales; accountant appointment; Indian tithes. 08-08-1771
