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Person Last Name Document title Date
Don Jossef Antonio Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Juan Bautista de Anza. A letter discussing the breaking of the navajo-gila Apache alliance, the formation of a... 10-05-1786
Delgado Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Delgado Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the appointment of Manuel Delgado as captain of San Buenaventura... 10-16-1787
Delgado Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Appointment of Troncoso as teniente discussed, mention made that garrisons need their... 01-08-1788
Delgado Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Discusses appointment as captain at San Buenaventura. 01-25-1788
Delgado Concha, Fernando de la. Account of expenses incurred in the construction of the new quartel for presidio de Santa Fe. 00-00-1789
Delgado . Discusses employment of landless peasants construction a barracks at Santa Fe. 03-27-1789
Duran Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Advises of pension to deceased man's widow. 06-24-1789
Delgado . Census of Santa Fe company, men, wives, children and servants. 198 listings. 00-00-1790
Delgado Delgado, Manuel. Letter (draft?) endorsing the petition of Manuel Delgado (soldier) to the king for services rendered. 01-18-1790
Duenas Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (lieutenant governor of El Paso) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Request for advice on eclesiastical... 01-20-1790
Duenas Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Forwarding of two letters (twitchell no. 1079) from teniente de gobernador of El Paso... 02-09-1790
Dios Pena Dios Pena, Juan de to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Diary of the military campaign aiding the comanches against the pananas. Listing... 08-08-1790
Delgado Josef Antonio Rivera. Military discharge report on Josef Antonio Rivera. 10-28-1790
Delgado Delgado, Manuel. Report on gunpowder supplies, usage, etc. 11-19-1790
Diaz Nava, Pedro de/Diaz, Domingo to Concha, Fernando de la. Details for proper response to mescalero attack on comanches. 12-19-1790
Duenas Paiz, Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Petition requesting replacement of fray Duenas with fray Bermejo as Duenas does not allowed... 00-00-1791
Delgado Delgado, Manuel (capitan). Petition to governor seeking permission to retire from active duty due to age and ill health. 00-00-1791
Delgado Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. notice of retirement of Manuel Delgado (primer teniente). 07-22-1791
Delgado Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of retirement of first lieutenant Manuel Delgado and promotion of several lieutenant Vicente... 10-12-1791
Delgado Concha, Fernando de la (?) to Nava, Pedro de. notice of election of new paymaster for presidio of Santa Fe. 10-30-1791
Delgado Delgado, Manuel. expenses of the real presidio de Santa Fe for the year November 1790 - October 1791. 11-19-1791
Diaz Diaz, Domingo. Two letters to Pedro de Nava discussing in detail Indian affairs in New Mexico. 04-30-1792
Diaz Nava, Pedro de to Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Letter reviews relations with Indians on frontier. 05-10-1792
Diaz Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to the governor of New Mexico notifying him that the lipanes Indians have not followed up on... 06-28-1792
Diaz Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Draft of letter to comandante general denying reports that an alliance exists between the yutas and... 11-08-1792
Diaz Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico to prepare expedition to aid captain Domingo Diaz in expedition... 12-01-1792
Delgado Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor reviewing finances of Santa Fe presidio. 12-24-1792
Delgado Jaramillo, Juan Eusevio. Charges against Juan Eusevio Jaramillo for assigning two genizaros to guard prisoners who escaped. 08-23-1793
Delgado Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico informing him that the criminal Luis Baca and Marcos Sanchez have... 10-05-1793
Delgado . Adjustment of accounts of wages for presidio of Santa Fe for year 1793. 04-22-1794
Diaz de Ortega Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Letter to treasury officials of Durango cathedral assuring them that tithes of past years were... 06-19-1794
Dinias Castro Bernardo (administrador). Proceedings against Bernardo 00-00-1795
Diaz de Hortega Diaz de hortega, Felipe. notice to viceroy related to governor of New Mexico, of Indian found wandering in Valladolid who was baptized and... 11-06-1795
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Dominguez Chacon, Fernando to audiencia de Guadalajara. Acknowledgement of receipt of papers in criminal case. 00-00-1797
Dominguez Trujillo, Manuel. Proceedings against Manuel Trujillo and son for horse stealing. 07-00-1797
Delgado Fernando Chacon (?)-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Transmittal of petition seeking special consideration. 08-29-1800
Delgado Fernando Chacon (?)-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Transmittal of petition seeking special consideration. 08-29-1800
Delgado Manuel Delgado (capitan retirado). List of names of those eligible for military service. 12-18-1800
De Nava Fernando Chacon -to- Pedro de Nava (comandante). Answer to dictamen-re: padre Cadelo. 01-12-1801
De Nava Fernando Chacon (?) to Pedro de Nava (comandante). Transmittal of reports on soldiers for disability status. 01-22-1801
Delgado Fernando Chacon ? To Pedro de Nava (comandante). Plans to counter possible English expedition from Canada. 01-22-1801
De Nava Fernando Chacon ? To Pedro de Nava (comandante). Plans to counter possible English expedition from Canada. 01-22-1801
Dorrego Fernando Chacon -to- Pedro de Nava (comandante). Recognition of fray Sanchez Vergara as custodio of provincial missions. 03-29-1801
De Dios Pena Fragment of diary re: Indian raids & Spanish reprisals. 03-29-1801
De Nava Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Receipt of military records. 03-30-1801
De Nava Fernando Chacon (?) to Pedro de Nava (comandante). Letter & diary of Indian affairs, in New Mexico province. 04-01-1801
De Olivares y Benito Francisco Gabriel de Olivares y Benito (obispo de Durango) to of gray Jose Benito Pereyro. 05-06-1801
