Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Castillo Autos de guerra contra los indios enemigos. 06-00-1695
Carrasco Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Cordero Autos de guerra concerning Indian rebellion in southern Chihuahu 07-11-1691
Cortez Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. EZ-, -N.D.
Cortez Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 01-21-1655
Crespo Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 01-23-1655
Cortes Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 02-05-1655
Cortez Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 03-21-1655
Cortes Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 06-23-1655
Castillo Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 06-23-1655
Carrion Autos de guerra con motivos de los frecuentes abusos que cometen los indios enemigos de la real corona. 09-04-1655
Correa Autos de expedicion de guerra contra los indios Seris, Salineros, Tiburones y topocas, y descripcion de la isla del Tiburon por Diego Ortiz... 09-09-1748
Casillas Autos de expedicion de guerra contra los indios Seris, Salineros, Tiburones y topocas, y descripcion de la isla del Tiburon por Diego Ortiz... 09-09-1748
Canito Autos de expedicion de guerra contra los indios Seris, Salineros, Tiburones y topocas, y descripcion de la isla del Tiburon por Diego Ortiz... 09-09-1748
Castillo Autos criminales contra Nicolas de Higuera por homicidios contra indios Pimas. 08-31-1688
Carragal Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Campo Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Cuervo Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Casado Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Carragal Autos concerning the defense of different points against the French and the foundation of a presidio in Xicarilla. 01-02-1720
Chaparro Autos concerning Tarahumara power struggle, unrest. 02-00-1713
Catiti Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Carbajal Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Chavez Autos concerning pueblo revolt of 1680. 08-14-1680
Cumplido Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Cruz Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Cruz Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Calatayud Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Criullas Autos concerning Nayaritas and guasamotecos who threatened to kill missionaries and free prisoner Juan Tonate from jail in Mexico. 02-12-1761
Casafuerte Autos concerning movement of tlaxcalan families to Casafuerte in Coahuila to strengthen this colony. 06-08-1735
Celis Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Cuia Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Casafuerte Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Canto Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Con Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Con Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cruz Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Camacho Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Castro Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Colindres Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cortes Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cordova Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Conde Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Conde Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Caravajal Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cavellos Colorados Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Castro Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Castro Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cortinas Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Codena Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
