Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Castillon Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Casanova Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Cabello Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Concha Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Comamalle Various issues involving surgeons at departmento de San Blas. 10-11-1789
Cacho Various issues involving surgeons at departmento de San Blas. 10-11-1789
Calleja Various letters and diaries giving accounts of Indian depredations, military responses to this, and other military matters. 05-18-1810
Croix Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Cassa Tillizo Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Cis Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Callis Various letters from gobernador, viceroy and other officers from Sinaloa and Sonora. 06-20-1769
Croix Various letters of congratulation by officials within Provincias Internas to viceroy Galvez. 07-19-1785
Canuelas Various letters of congratulation by officials within Provincias Internas to viceroy Galvez. 07-19-1785
Cavallero Various letters of congratulation by officials within Provincias Internas to viceroy Galvez. 07-19-1785
Cavallero Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Campo Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Cordova Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Croix Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Cantador Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774. 04-07-1774
Chamorro Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774. 04-07-1774
Campo y Pinedo Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774. 04-07-1774
Croix Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774. 04-07-1774
Campo Various letters to and from viceroy about legal and political issues and appointments in 1774. 04-07-1774
Castro Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Cassas Various military instancias from Nuevo Leon. 04-27-1783
Chirino Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Croix Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Croix Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Castro Various military instancias from Nuevo Santander. None Given
Cano Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Castaneda Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Castro Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Cruz Various military instancias fron Nuevo Leon. 00-00-1760
Cancio Various notes from unknown person to Pineda and Cancio. 02-28-1765
Chino Various statements of testimony against the alcalde mayor of Zuni, Joaquin Pino, for cruelty and abuse of authority. Incomplete and no... 03-28-1809
Cortes del Rey Various to Vicencio Cortes del Rey. Cuaderno de registros de tierras para fabrica de casas y denuncios de minas aposesionadas. 00-00-1769
Curvelo Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Castro Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Castro Vecinos de la villa de San Fernando. Respuesta a ordenes del gobernador para que los vecinos ayuden construccion de edificos del presidio. 09-28-1772
Curvelo Vecinos de la villa de San Fernando. Respuesta a ordenes del gobernador para que los vecinos ayuden construccion de edificos del presidio. 09-28-1772
Curbelo Vecinos de San Fernando de Bexar al gobernador y capitan general. Ex-canary islanders us Pedro de Ocon y Trillo, charging defamation of... 08-12-1749
Cordero Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807
Covarrubias Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807
Chivato Veinte representaciones dirigidas por el gobernador del Nuevo Santander sobre los indios Chichimecos 06-05-1781
Correa Vejaciones que a los indios de los rios Mayo y de Jaqui hacen los soldados de Sinaloa . 04-20-1689
Castro Vela Prada, Jose to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. A letter concerning the Zuni missions. 05-19-1805
Chacon Velarde, Juaquin. A civil action brought by Juaquin Velarde concerning 123 pesos missing from 4,000 velarde transported from Chihuahua. 09-01-1803
Canches Velarde, Juaquin. A civil action brought by Juaquin Velarde concerning 123 pesos missing from 4,000 velarde transported from Chihuahua. 09-01-1803
Correo Velasco. Priests involved in gambling. 11-15-1817
Cuberta Velasco. Sobre la expansion francesa en la Nueva Espana; los indios Texas y sus costumbres; establecimiento de misiones entre aquellos... 00-00-1688
