Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ciprian Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Guemes by Escandon. 09-22-1750
Cueva Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Guemes by Escandon. 09-22-1750
Ciprian Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Horcasitas by Escandon. 11-12-1750
Ciprian Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Padilla by Escandon. 09-13-1750
Cayetano Manzilla Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Padilla by Escandon. 09-13-1750
Ciprian Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Barbara by Escandon. 11-04-1750
Cayetano Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Barbara by Escandon. 11-04-1750
Castillo. Juan Antonio del Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Barbara by Escandon. 11-04-1750
Calletano Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Barbara by Escandon. 11-04-1750
Cordero Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Barbara by Escandon. 11-04-1750
Ciprian Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Maria by Escandon. 10-02-1750
Cyprian Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Altamira. 10-27-1750
Castro Lorrca Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Altamira. 10-27-1750
Castrejon Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Cyprian Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Cruz Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Cruz Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Castro Autos concerning establishment and conditions of San Isidrio. 01-20-1751
Ciprian Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Santander 09-14-1750
Castrejon y Mendoza Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Santander 09-14-1750
Conde Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Santander 09-14-1750
Ciprian Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Sotolamarina. 07-21-1750
Cantu Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Sotolamarina. 07-21-1750
Caraveo Autos concerning exploration for minerals along the Colorado River and the mapping of the area. 11-26-1755
Coloarra Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. 00-00-1690
Conquista Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. 00-00-1690
Cortillas Autos concerning French trespassing onto Spanish territory, Part II. 00-00-1690
Caravajal Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cavellos Colorados Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Castro Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Castro Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cortinas Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Codena Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cantu Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Cantu Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Caietano Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Casafuerte Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Canto Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Con Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Con Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cruz Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Camacho Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Castro Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Colindres Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cortes Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Cordova Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Conde Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Conde Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Celis Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
Cuia Autos concerning missions and taxes. 10-11-1737
