Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Baldes Causa criminal against Juan Castro y Guera, mulatto, for assault. 10-10-1714
Balensuela Causa criminal against Mesa and Valenzuela. 08-03-1796
Borrego Causa criminal against Mesa and Valenzuela. 08-03-1796
Basques Causa criminal against Mesa and Valenzuela. 08-03-1796
Basoco Causa criminal against mulatto slave, two Spaniards for robbery. 02-05-1710
Bezerranieto Causa criminal contra el gobernador de los indios Jovas por haberle facilitadad la fuga de uno de ellos. 12-29-1707
Bonavia Causa criminal contra el subteniente don Ramon Grimaldi y varios soldados por desacato a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria de Durango. 10-24-1817
Bucareli causa criminal seguida de oficio de la real justicia sobre la muerte dada a Casmiro de Ibarra, vecino de Palmillas, Nuevo Santander. 12-11-1772
Bonifasio causa criminal seguida de oficio de la real justicia sobre la muerte dada a Casmiro de Ibarra, vecino de Palmillas, Nuevo Santander. 12-11-1772
Bustamante Causa formada contra Joseph Antonio Bustamante por ladron. 05-26-1797
Branciforte Causa formada contra Joseph Antonio Bustamante por ladron. 05-26-1797
Bourme Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Gives instructions concerning de Mesieres expedition to Texas. 08-16-1779
Barron Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Approves Cabello's measures for the release of certain criminals and withholds decision in case... 11-24-1779
Borra Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Discusses accounts of Amangual, Prada, Urena, Borra and Ferrero. 12-26-1779
Bosirca Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for better management of tobacco. 04-19-1780
Borba Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Gives instructions for payment of money to Mariano Urena, Francisco Borra and Felipe Ferrero,... 09-28-1779
Bonilla Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Transmits Galvez' letter of March 12 concerning royal order regulating trials in Texas and... 07-19-1779
Borra Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Transmitting appointments of Policarpo Prada and Francisco Borra as second Alferez and sargeant at... 08-20-1779
Bucarely Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Bucareli Cavallero de Croix's correspondence with virrey re: civil administration of bandos, personnel recommendations, request for documents. 04-22-1779
Bargas Cedula real de rey al virrey de Nueva Espana. Cedula real por lo que pide su magestad informe de la fundacion del convento de Santa Cruz en... 04-04-1651
Beltran Cedulas granting veterans pensions to Espinosa and Montero. 11-07-1806
Balbuena Census and other info on Burgos 04-09-1764
Bucareli y Urzua Census lists from provincias de Sonora and Sinaloa for purposes of tax collection. 03-26-1771
Balbuena Chacon Medina y Salazar, Joseph/Martinez, Felix. Testimonio de la escriptura. 04-15-1715
Borbon Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Beltran Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Branciforte Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Beregana Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Bonabia Chacon, Fernando (?) to Bonabia, Bernardo. Draft - re: acknowledgement of receipt of instructions anulling tithe exemptions. 12-24-1796
Bernal Chacon, Fernando (?) to Canuelas, Miguel. Letter - re: administrative affairs of province. 07-20-1798
Bernal Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Answer to oficios - re: construction of bridge at El Paso and payment for wood. 06-09-1798
Bernal Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Transmittal of papers in dispute - re: burial of Indian servant of soldier. 07-01-1800
Baca Chacon, Fernando (?) to real audiencia de Guadalajara. Gonzales and Manuel Baca. 10-11-1797
Barrio Chacon, Fernando (?) to Serruto, Josef, et al draft - re: contribution for canonization cause of beato Felipe de Jesus. 05-24-1798
Bargas Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). A letter concerning the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant of Santa Fee presidio... 03-30-1803
Briano Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Detailed inventory of furnishings of various missions of New Mexico province provided during visita by... 04-11-1796
Bermejo Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Detailed inventory of furnishings of various missions of New Mexico province provided during visita by... 04-11-1796
Baca Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). List of soldiers of Santa Fe company entitled to bonuses for long service; 15,20, and 25 years. 08-30-1802
Bernal Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). List of soldiers of Santa Fe company entitled to bonuses for long service; 15,20, and 25 years. 08-30-1802
Baca Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Two drafts of governor's order sentencing Antonio Maria Montoya and Manuel Baca to six years labor on... 05-12-1796
Baca Chacon, Fernando to Ahumada, Rafael de. Draft of a letter concerning the payment of military premiums. 03-26-1804
Beitia Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Acknowledgement of reception of certificate of disability for Juan de Jesus Beitia. 12-28-1799
Barreras Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Submittal of case regarding Indian suicide. 07-18-1799
Bargas Chacon, Fernando to Ronquillo, Josef. Draft of a letter acknowledging receipt of Antonio Bargas' service record. 08-28-1804
Bargas Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a cover letter for documents reporting on military equipment and economics of Santa Fee... 03-26-1804
Baca Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter concerning Bernardo Castro and the cerro de oro, and other things. 03-28-1804
Bargas Chacon, Fernando. A letter nominating three soldiers for the position of first lieutenant of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Bargas Chacon, Fernando. A letter transmitting and discussing the service records of the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant. 03-30-1803
Bargas Chacon, Fernando. A set of instructions on how the new governor should deal with the navajo. 03-27-1805
