Bonavida |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Bando: Re: supression of tribunals of the inquisition. |
12-16-1813 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Advises that, due to error in placing Sanchez as primer alferes, Chaves should act and be considered primer alferes. |
10-26-1816 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Advisement of indians' failure to finance maintenance of churches and convents; also, discussion of case of Real... |
01-15-1816 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Acknowledges receipt of oficios 25-52. |
08-12-1816 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo. Acknowledgement of receipt of official documents # 1129-1136. |
02-13-1816 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo to Maynez, Alberto. Acknowledging of receipt of proceedings in case of horse theft of comanches by two vezinos of... |
06-29-1814 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Royal cedula annuling exemptions from tithe payments. |
12-24-1796 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Transmittal of royal order regarding treatment of deserters. |
10-24-1817 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Acknowledgement of receipt of military reports. |
09-16-1817 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia, Bernardo (comandante general). Request to governor of New Mexico to conduct census reports for all towns with ayuntamientos. |
09-28-1814 |
Bonavia y Zapata |
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Royal decree authorizing establishment of currency mint in Chihuahua to enhance commerce. |
09-03-1814 |
Bonavia y Zapata |
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national... |
07-26-1815 |
Bonavia y Zapata |
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that six bandos ordering the establishment of... |
08-17-1814 |
Bonavia y Zapata |
Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Banning dancing. |
02-01-1817 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. |
07-16-1793 |
Branciforte |
Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. |
07-16-1793 |
Bonavia |
Bonavia corresponds regarding defense of provincias del oriente bordering with Luisiana against possible U.S. aggression. |
07-11-1810 |
Bodega y Quadra |
Bodega y Quadra to virrey concerning agave (pita) commerce. |
05-11-1780 |
Blasques |
Blasques, Joseph. Petition to governor for return of runaway Indian servant who is claimed by Diego Padilla and governor's response to... |
07-27-1713 |
Briones |
Blas Serrate, obispo de Durango. Al rey. Informe. |
10-08-1713 |
Blanco |
Blanco, Gregorio. Letter discussing batism of Jose Maria Guarduno. |
06-07-1815 |
Blanc |
Blanc, Luis de. Cover letter and document it introduces. Letter concerns trading with Indians, opening of road. |
01-26-1789 |
Belena |
Biographic and ethnographic letter to viceroy Galvez by Gondorilla. |
10-06-1785 |
Belena |
Biographic and ethnographic letter to viceroy Galvez by Gondorilla. |
10-06-1785 |
Bijil |
Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... |
09-26-1766 |
Bijil |
Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... |
09-26-1766 |
Bijil |
Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to... |
09-26-1766 |
Barreda |
Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. |
04-29-1799 |
Belda |
Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. |
04-29-1799 |
Borica |
Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. |
04-29-1799 |
Balazco |
Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. |
04-29-1799 |
Bezerra Nietto |
Bezerra Nietto, Antonio (capitan - juez de residencia). Certification of residencia of gobernador Antonio Valverde y Cossio. |
04-26-1723 |
Bustamante |
Bezerra Nietto, Antonio (capitan - juez de residencia). Certification of residencia of gobernador Antonio Valverde y Cossio. |
04-26-1723 |
Beytia |
Beytia, Juan Antonio. Legal action against Clemente Gutierres for pesos owed as part of dowery payments to Beytia. |
10-31-1767 |
Barrena |
Bernardo Jose de Urena to Manuel Ascue y Amendariz. Venta de esclavo. |
04-25-1777 |
Bustamante Tagle |
Bernardo de Bustamante Table. Legal dispute over an Indians inheritence. |
06-09-1750 |
Baca |
Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. |
12-14-1745 |
Bazquez Barrego |
Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. |
12-14-1745 |
Bustamente y Tagle |
Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. |
12-14-1745 |
Brivino |
Bernardo Brivino. Index of royal cedulas. |
10-28-1746 |
Bonivas |
Bernardo Bonivas al ayuntamiento del Parral. Sobre la enfermedad que se padece en essa poblacion. |
05-12-1796 |
Bonavia |
Bernardo Bonavia. Sobre escuela. |
05-00-1796 |
Bonavia |
Bernardo Bonavia al ayuntamiento del real del Parral. Relativo a la aplicacion que devia darse al producto de la plaza de toros. |
08-01-1796 |
Bernalde Pinadero |
Bernardo Bernalde Pinadero to king. Asking for a little help in his old age, as he lists his services to crown. |
11-20-1666 |
Bernal |
Bernal, Yldefonso to Chacon, Fernando. Request for a passport for Rosalia to join her husband at Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. |
02-20-1804 |
Bernal |
Bernal, Mariano/Cacho, Antonio (fray). Receipt for grain contributed for the relief of Zuni pueblo and a report on the distribution of the... |
03-05-1820 |
Bernal |
Bernal, Juan Antonio. Criminal case against Juan Antonio Bernal for abuse of his wife Juliana Cordova. Governor Chacon orders that if abuse... |
07-08-1795 |
Bernal |
Bernal, Francisco Xavier (capitan del militar) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of departure of Francisco Xavier de Uranga... |
05-30-1791 |
Beregana |
Beregana, Domingo. Treasury account sheet of wages and salaries paid for Santa Fe presidio. |
02-28-1793 |
Beregana |
Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. |
05-26-1792 |