Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Baamonde Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes 10-19-1790
Baamonde Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander 09-11-1790
Bordier Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander 09-11-1790
Burgos Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander 09-11-1790
Bustillos Series of letters from governors of Nuevo Santander to viceroy concerning military and routine administrative affairs. 05-27-1769
Burgos Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. 03-22-1768
Barrera Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Bentura Moreno Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Benabia Series of letters dealing with political jurisdiction of provincias del oriente and poniente. 04-07-1819
Billalba Series of letters dealing with applications from several military officials seeking to fill position left vacant 12-18-1788
Borbon Series of letters concerning return of three priests to Spain. 05-07-1804
Bucareli y Ursua Series of letters concerning request made by Verger that free postage be granted to missionaries serving in California. 12-18-1773
Barrera Series of letters concerning payment of synods to Fernandino missions of California by Fondo Piadoso. 10-24-1804
Barrera Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. 04-17-1820
Brake Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. 04-17-1820
Bradbery Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. 04-17-1820
Brown Series of letters concerning apprehension of insane anglo-american in Bexar. 04-17-1820
Benttadez Series of letters by fainy and Fernandezdiscussing start of military campaign and details of campaign provisioning. 05-00-1770
Bravo Series of letters by fainy and Fernandezdiscussing start of military campaign and details of campaign provisioning. 05-00-1770
Borica Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. 03-17-1786
Berroteran Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy 05-24-1792
Barberena Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Badia Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Butron Series of letters and oficios from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 05-25-1787
Belda Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Borica Series of letters and informes concerning mission finances and personnel in California. 01-01-1798
Baldez Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... 11-16-1721
Bueno de Roxas Series of judicial documents about conflict between government officials in San Antonio de Bejar. Conflict arose out of some orders... 04-14-1735
Branciforte Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Blinden Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Bustamante Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Brabo Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Beregana Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Branciforte Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Bargas Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Bustamante Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents relating to transfer of destacamento de Voluntarios de Cataluna to presidio of Mesa del Tonati. 03-17-1773
Barco Series of documents relating to transfer of destacamento de Voluntarios de Cataluna to presidio of Mesa del Tonati. 03-17-1773
Beregana Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Borica Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Barry Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Bergara Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Butron Series of documents relating to criminal case against Duarte. 12-00-1803
Basurto Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Bassols Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Borica Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Barry Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Bucareli y Ursua Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
Barry Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias. 07-12-1728
Baptista Lopes Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724
