Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Beldarrain Breve resumen de los desastres, muertes, robos y asolamientos ocaezidos en la provincia de Sonora. 00-00-1760
Borja breve apostolico de pio sexto, y estatutos generales 11-17-1769
Borrego Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena 05-10-1796
Borrego Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena 05-10-1796
Boricas Borica, Diego de to Concha, Fernando de la. Orders to redistribute excess Alcabala taken during 1788 and 1789 to the individuals who paid... 03-31-1789
Borica Borica, Diego de to Concha, Fernando de la. Announcement of retirement of Alferez aand replacement. 01-14-1789
Borica Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Bonavia y Sapata Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Bargas Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Beregana Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Borica Borica directs in-depth investigation of contract between Loyola and Guizarnotegui on behalf of Loyola 09-10-1787
Borbon Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. 03-24-1820
Ballesteros Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. 03-24-1820
Borjas y Tarrius Borbon, Luis de. Concerning the Spanish constitution of 1812 and the legality of the Cortes. 03-24-1820
Bonilla Bonilla, Antonio. Index of documents that have been remitted to the governor of New Mexico. 07-22-1778
Bonica Bonica, Diego. Letter concerning duties paid and deposited. 03-31-1789
Boneo y Morales Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas 01-02-1742
Briseno y Suniga Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas 01-02-1742
Benabides Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas 01-02-1742
Bengara Boneo y Morales sucession to Wintuysen as governor of Texas 01-02-1742
Bonavia Bonavia. Discusses economic situation of New Mexico. 09-18-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo/Velasco, Francisco. Outlines punishments for desertion - or aiding and abetting desertors. 07-25-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Transmittal of viceregal order concerning use of mustaches. 08-31-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Transmission of the requirements to solicit the cross of the order of the queen dona Isabela. 09-13-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order: concerning uniform of military lawyers. 12-07-1813
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order relative to the junta de hazienda. 02-28-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order re: premiums to troops. 01-28-1814
Borbon Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order re: premiums to troops. 01-28-1814
Bonavia y Zapata Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order on disposition of lands and products. 02-28-1814
Borbon Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order on disposition of lands and products. 02-28-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal decree on the relaxation of regulations for the establishment of industries. 01-20-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal decree granting honors to victims of the events of May 2, 1808 in Madrid. 05-02-1808
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Remittance of complaint by Manuel Ygnacio and pertinent documents. 10-20-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: royal decree concerning russian victory. 09-11-1813
Bonabia y Zapata Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: military discharge. 11-30-1813
Baca Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: military discharge. 11-30-1813
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: declaration of war againstt Great Britian by the United States of America. 08-16-1813
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Re: a royal order concerning certain criminal cases. 05-20-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order to take census. 07-10-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order to soldiers to remove hats while in church. 02-19-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Order on measurements to be taken to stem revolutionary activities. 00-00-1814
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Mentions report of unrest among eastern comanches caused by rebellious Spaniards and americans. 08-13-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Letter to governor of New Mexico announcing two month extention for collection of provincial funds for Chiguahua. 05-14-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Informing New Mexico of abolition of ministry of ultramar and re-establishment of ministry of indies. 06-28-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Discussion of pensions. 02-11-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Discussion of caution exercised by Spanish upon arrival of French at Taos. 02-13-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Concerning pensions of soldiers. 12-27-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Concerning discharge of Antonio Armijo - debts owed to and equipment to be received from. 09-18-1815
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Complaints of priests; and difficulties between Indians. 09-10-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Collection and compliance with catequismos politicos ordered. 11-08-1816
