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Title Date Author(s)
Joseph Antonio Rengal to Domingo Cabello. Establishment of a bank. 02-16-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Cabello, Domingo
Diego de Borica, Jose Antonio Rengel, and others. Copies of letters concerning frontier military affairs 1785. 00-00-1785 Borica, Diego de, Rengel, Jose Antonio
Concerns the relief of the compania franca de Voluntarios de cataluna detached in Sonora. 11-12-1772 Sola, Estevan de (Teniente Comandante), Rengel, Jose Antonio (Coronel), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Correspondence between Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning transfer of Allande. 00-00-1767 Rengel, Josef Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Florez orders that governors and comandantes of Sonora and Nueva Viscaya obey instructions given by Galvez for administration of those provincias. 09-18-1787 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Tueros, Pedro de, and others
Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of Soler. 09-19-1789 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Dias de Hortega, Phelipe, and others
Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Auditor de Guerra), Corbalan Pedro (Gobernador Interino), and others
Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783 Dias de Hortega, Phelipe, Merino, Manuel, Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Brigadier), and others
Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783 Dias de Hortega, Phelipe, Merino, Manuel, Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Brigadier), and others
excelentisimo senor. Senor: movido vuestra excelencia de las continuas muertes y rovos, que por todas partes executaban los indios... 11-26-1784 Lasaga, Diego de (Gobernador), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Corral, Miguel del, and others
representaciones del teniente coronel don Francisco Martinez capitan del presidio del Carrizal sobre perjuicios dimanados de la falta del literal cumplimiento de la contrata de don Francisco Guizarnotegui por lo respectivo a la compania de su cargo. 03-29-1788 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Martinez, Juan, Ventura Marquez, Diego, and others
Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792 Casanova, Manuel de, Manrrique, Joseph Manuel, Rengel, Manuel, and others
Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792 Casanova, Manuel de, Manrrique, Joseph Manuel, Rengel, Manuel, and others
Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra' of Squadrons. 00-00-1767 Calzado, Phelipe (Capitan Comandante), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), and others
real orden duplicada de 30 de julio de 85 sobre destino del capitan del presidio di Rio Grande don Manuel de Zevecedo... 12-11-1784 Cevecedo, Manuel de, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Galvez, Joseph de, and others
por via de gratificacion, pague doble sueldo de comandante inspector as coronel don Joseph Rengel 08-24-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo de
Series of documents concerning taxation 03-19-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Ruiz de Palacios, Gerardo
solicitudes de coronel don Joseph Antonio Rengel pidiendo permiso para venir a curarse en esta capital... 03-14-1786 Castro, Ramon de, Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Coronel), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), and others
Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General Intendente)
Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787 Ugalde, Juan de, Ugarte y Layola, Jacobo, Rengel, Jose Antonio, and others
Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787 Ugalde, Juan de, Ugarte y Layola, Jacobo, Rengel, Jose Antonio, and others
Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Ugante y Layola, Jacobo (Comandante General Interino), Diaz, Domingo (Capitan), and others
Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Rengel, Joseph (Comandante General), and others
Correspondence relating to request for and granting of retirement to Ceballos. 02-10-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Carlos (Rey), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, (Comandante Inspector), and others
Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Carlos (Rey), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, (Comandante Inspector), and others
Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783 Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Carlos (Rey), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, (Comandante Inspector), and others
Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783 Diaz, Domingo (Capitan Retirado), Galvez, Joseph de, Posada (Fiscal de Real Hacienda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783 Diaz, Domingo (Capitan Retirado), Galvez, Joseph de, Posada (Fiscal de Real Hacienda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence between Loyola, Rengel and virreynato concerning various replacements for officers and administrative matters. 03-11-1786 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Letter from Garrido, Arriola to Rengel requesting that Garrido be permitted to winter in banos de penon to improve health. 03-24-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Garrido y Duran, Pedro (Secretario) (Abogado), Arriola, Gregorio Augustin (Medico Cirujano)
Ugarte y Loyola is officially declared comandante general, while matters concerning drought, treason, rebellion await resolution. 03-02-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Correspondence between Rengel and Virreynato acknowledging receipt of various official documents and document copies. 03-02-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Rengel acknowledges receipt of various copies of royal announcements and decrees from Virreynato. 02-07-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, N.A.
Virreynato notifies Rengel that Ugarte y Loyola has been named comandante general; dictates various military transfers. 01-09-1786 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Letter from Plo y Alduan to Rengel complaining of low salary; high cost of living. Requests that Rengel notify virrey. 12-27-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Plo y Alduan, Pedro (Contador)
Correspondence between comandancia and Virreynato concerning drought in provinces and intensified war with Apaches. 08-06-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, and others
Correspondence between Rengel and virrey regarding series of military transfers and relief of posts, problems with rebels. 09-01-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. 10-12-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Letters between Rengel and Virreynato concerning surveillance of borders of provincias; operation of war with Indians. 10-11-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Rengel seeks virrey's approval regarding punishment of traitors and receives said approval. 08-06-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning various administrative and financial matters. 05-06-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Rengel welcomes Galvez to office of virrey; virrey responds. 06-25-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence between Rengel, Garrido y Duran and real audencia gobernadora concerning appointments of officials in Chihuahua. 04-22-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro, and others
Rengel is notified by Virreynato that king has been officially informed of death of comandante general 05-03-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Herrera y Rivero, Vicente, Fernandez de Loredo, Josef (Alferez)
Letters concerning notice of edict to be posted regarding retirement pension. 03-13-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), And Other
Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning recovery of livestock stolen by Apaches. 12-11-1784 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Letters to virrey and comandante general requesting military support in Nuevo Santander due to Indian uprisings. 07-04-1784 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Inspector), Valenzuela, Jose Gregorio
Peace with mescalero Apaches, and violation of that peace by tropas de Coahuila. 02-12-1787 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Inspector General), Elguezabal, Juan Bautista de
Correspondence between various officials concerning payment of presidial troops and companias Volantes in Nueva Vizcaya 09-10-1772 Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
