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Title Date Author(s)
Manuel Munoz (gobernador) and Manuel de Espadas (capitan). Diary of operations for month of August for La Bahia presidio and list of officers and men of Bexar presidio. 09-10-1790 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Espadas, Manuel de (Capitan)
Manuel Munoz/Salvador Rodriguez. Census de lugares varios. 00-00-1792 Munoz, Manuel, Rodriguez, Salvador
Juan Munoz y Trinidad Aguilera. Resumen de los trenes de cada uno de los gujetos que se nominan. 11-30-1791 Munoz, Juan, Aguilera, Trinidad
Francisco Saenz Moreno to Maria Josefa Munoz. Sale mulatta slave 01-28-1785 Saenz Moreno, Francisco, Munoz, Maria Josefa
Coronel Manuel Munoz, Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riba, justicia mayor. Detencion del gobernador de los indios Yaquis y 18 hombres de su tribu por no llevar papeles para trabajar. 08-01-1781 Munoz, Manuel (Coronel), Gutierrez de Riba, Jose Gabriel (Justicia Mayor)
Criminal contra Alejo Munoz y Ramon Amparan, vecinos de Santa Barbara por heridas causadas a Joseph Hernandez. 08-00-1741 Munoz, Alejo, Amparan, Ramon
Xtobal Sanchez; Pablo Munoz; Diego Munoz. Pleito criminal sobre homecidio. 04-21-1651 Sanchez, Xtobal, Munoz, Pablo, Munoz, Diego
Xtobal Sanchez; Pablo Munoz; Diego Munoz. Pleito criminal sobre homecidio. 04-21-1651 Sanchez, Xtobal, Munoz, Pablo, Munoz, Diego
Reports of milicia activities near vieja Tamaulipa sierra. 12-14-1789 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Sierragorda, Conde de la, Buedo, Francisco (Fray), and others
oficios de senor comandante general de las provincias de oriente, don Ramon de Castro... 12-00-1791 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) 01-20-1791 Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others
numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) 01-20-1791 Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others
Correspondence re: Apache relations. 10-05-1796 Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Virrey, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Correspondence re: Apache relations. 10-05-1796 Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Virrey, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian affairs and other military administrative events. 06-18-1792 Munoz, Manuel, nolasco Carrasco, Pedro, Elquezabal, Juan Bautista and others
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. 02-09-1791 Nava, Pedro de, Munoz, Manuel, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Castro, Ramon de and others.
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790 Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Munoz, Manuel, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
en cumplimiento de la superior orden de v.e. de 15 de enero ultimo, y de las copias que me paso con la suia . . . . 02-21-1793 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Portugal, Pedro Vital (Fray), Velasco, Mariano (Fray), and others
comision conferida al gobernador de dicha provincia para averiguar el modo con que se manejaron lo indios . . . 12-27-1792 Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others
comision conferida al gobernador de dicha provincia para averiguar el modo con que se manejaron lo indios . . . 12-27-1792 Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others
Letters and other documents concerning peace negotiations with the lipanes de Abajo and other matters first in this series begins with relacion que manifiesta. 01-20-1791 Vasquez, Francisco, Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas)
Letters and other documents concerning peace negotiations with the lipanes de Abajo and other matters first in this series begins with relacion que manifiesta. 01-20-1791 Vasquez, Francisco, Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas)
Letters, diaries from Munoz and Trevino and responses from virrey Conde concerning Indian activity in province of Texas first in this series begins with en ofoicio de 9 del. Corrte. 03-24-1791 Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas, Teniente Coronel), Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Letters between Munoz and virrey Conde concerning among other things intertribal relations involving lipanes, comanches and others. First in series begins with a vista de no haverse. 01-14-1791 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Munoz and others to virrey regarding Indian raids and subsequent military response. 03-01-1790 Munoz, Manuel, Gonzales, Jose, Trevino, Jose Ignacio
Letters from Munoz to virrey containing informe regarding damage caused by Indians in area. 06-18-1790 Munoz, Manuel, Sierra Gorda, Conde de la
Correspondence between Munoz and virrey regarding developments with and activities of Indians in Texas. 09-01-1790 Munoz, Manuel, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
Informes from governors of Nueva Viscaya to viceroy containing suggestions for a new method of mission government. 10-09-1772 Villaverde, Manuel, Bustamente, Bernardo, Munoz, Manuel
Letters from clergy of Sonora regarding the new method for physical and spiritual development in new and established missions 09-10-1772 Munoz, Alonso (Fray), Garay, Domingo de (Fray), Cartagena, Romualdo (Fray), and others
numero 5 letters and testimonies concerning the accusation of extortion of mission property by Julian de las Casas. 02-22-1790 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Guiterrez, Gabriel, Lopez, Joseph Antonio
numero 6 letters concerning financial matters at the mission Forvio de Lievana 03-08-1790 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Lorenzo, Josef Antonio, Casas, Julian de las, and others
About the bad judgment used by Francisco Antonio de los Rios Calvillo in the purchase of corn to support the needs of some jurisdictions. 11-03-1789 Yanes, Jose Miguel (Teniente), Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Cordova, Miguel de
Concerns changes in grain measurements in villas of Reynosa, Mier, and Revilla. 02-11-1790 Trevino, Jose Ygnacio de (Teniente), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Others
Expediente put forth for the justicia y medio Cabildo of Revilla (villa) about incorrect measurements (23 were incorrect). 02-11-1790 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Balli, Juan Antonio Teniente), Others
Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. 01-25-1790 Munoz, Manuel, Escandon y Llera, Manuel Ignacio de (Gobernador), and others
Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. 00-00-1787 Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan), Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel, and others
Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. 00-00-1787 Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan), Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel, and others
Sobre la quema de varias medidas en la villa de Palmillas... 01-26-1790 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Morelos, Santiago
Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. 03-00-1768 Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Paez, Joseph Antonio, Garcia Figueroa, Francisco, and others
Provision interina del govierno de la colonia del Nuevo Santander en el teniente coronel don Manuel Munoz. 12-15-1773 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Bonilla, Antonio, Valenzuela, and others
Gonzalez de Santianes responds to charges leveled against him of failing to respond to Indian raids against communities in Nuevo Santander. 06-18-1772 Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Munoz, Juan de
los ministros principales de la real Hacienda, y cajas del distrito de esta intendencia de Durango 06-28-1788 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente), Orduna, Jose, Olvera, Jose Antonio, and others
Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790 Ixart, Francisco, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Rodriguez, Antonio (Teniente)
Folio 273 at the bottom: Diario. Hasienda del ojocaliente y marzo 1. de 1773. Next page: Don Manuel Munoz servicio que han hecho 03-01-1773 Munoz, Manuel (Capitan), Areche, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), and others
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nuevo Santander. 1790-1791. 01-18-1790 Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. 04-29-1789 Lorca, Melchor Vidal de (Gobernador), Cierragorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Munoz, Manuel
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. 04-29-1789 Lorca, Melchor Vidal de (Gobernador), Cierragorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Munoz, Manuel
Correspondence between Munoz and virrey, year 1972 01-02-1792 Munoz, Manuel, Sierragorda, Conde
Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. 12-31-1792 Munoz, Manuel
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790 Martinez Pacheco, Rafael, Munoz, Manuel
