Manuel Munoz (gobernador) and Manuel de Espadas (capitan). Diary of operations for month of August for La Bahia presidio and list of officers and men of Bexar presidio. |
09-10-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Espadas, Manuel de (Capitan) |
Manuel Munoz/Salvador Rodriguez. Census de lugares varios. |
00-00-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel, Rodriguez, Salvador |
Juan Munoz y Trinidad Aguilera. Resumen de los trenes de cada uno de los gujetos que se nominan. |
11-30-1791 |
Munoz, Juan, Aguilera, Trinidad |
Francisco Saenz Moreno to Maria Josefa Munoz. Sale mulatta slave |
01-28-1785 |
Saenz Moreno, Francisco, Munoz, Maria Josefa |
Coronel Manuel Munoz, Jose Gabriel Gutierrez de Riba, justicia mayor. Detencion del gobernador de los indios Yaquis y 18 hombres de su tribu por no llevar papeles para trabajar. |
08-01-1781 |
Munoz, Manuel (Coronel), Gutierrez de Riba, Jose Gabriel (Justicia Mayor) |
Criminal contra Alejo Munoz y Ramon Amparan, vecinos de Santa Barbara por heridas causadas a Joseph Hernandez. |
08-00-1741 |
Munoz, Alejo, Amparan, Ramon |
Xtobal Sanchez; Pablo Munoz; Diego Munoz. Pleito criminal sobre homecidio. |
04-21-1651 |
Sanchez, Xtobal, Munoz, Pablo, Munoz, Diego |
Xtobal Sanchez; Pablo Munoz; Diego Munoz. Pleito criminal sobre homecidio. |
04-21-1651 |
Sanchez, Xtobal, Munoz, Pablo, Munoz, Diego |
Reports of milicia activities near vieja Tamaulipa sierra. |
12-14-1789 |
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Sierragorda, Conde de la, Buedo, Francisco (Fray), and others |
oficios de senor comandante general de las provincias de oriente, don Ramon de Castro... |
12-00-1791 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General) |
numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) |
01-20-1791 |
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others |
numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) |
01-20-1791 |
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Nava, Pedro de (Brigadier), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others |
Correspondence re: Apache relations. |
10-05-1796 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Virrey, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador) |
Correspondence re: Apache relations. |
10-05-1796 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Virrey, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador) |
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian affairs and other military administrative events. |
06-18-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel, nolasco Carrasco, Pedro, Elquezabal, Juan Bautista and others |
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. |
02-09-1791 |
Nava, Pedro de, Munoz, Manuel, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Castro, Ramon de and others. |
Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. |
11-24-1790 |
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan, Munoz, Manuel, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo |
en cumplimiento de la superior orden de v.e. de 15 de enero ultimo, y de las copias que me paso con la suia . . . . |
02-21-1793 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Portugal, Pedro Vital (Fray), Velasco, Mariano (Fray), and others |
comision conferida al gobernador de dicha provincia para averiguar el modo con que se manejaron lo indios . . . |
12-27-1792 |
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others |
comision conferida al gobernador de dicha provincia para averiguar el modo con que se manejaron lo indios . . . |
12-27-1792 |
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), and others |
Letters and other documents concerning peace negotiations with the lipanes de Abajo and other matters first in this series begins with relacion que manifiesta. |
01-20-1791 |
Vasquez, Francisco, Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas) |
Letters and other documents concerning peace negotiations with the lipanes de Abajo and other matters first in this series begins with relacion que manifiesta. |
01-20-1791 |
Vasquez, Francisco, Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas) |
Letters, diaries from Munoz and Trevino and responses from virrey Conde concerning Indian activity in province of Texas first in this series begins with en ofoicio de 9 del. Corrte. |
03-24-1791 |
Munoz, Manuel (Governador de Texas, Teniente Coronel), Trevino, Antonio (Sargento), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey) |
Letters between Munoz and virrey Conde concerning among other things intertribal relations involving lipanes, comanches and others. First in series begins with a vista de no haverse. |
01-14-1791 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey) |
Correspondence between Munoz and others to virrey regarding Indian raids and subsequent military response. |
03-01-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel, Gonzales, Jose, Trevino, Jose Ignacio |
Letters from Munoz to virrey containing informe regarding damage caused by Indians in area. |
06-18-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel, Sierra Gorda, Conde de la |
Correspondence between Munoz and virrey regarding developments with and activities of Indians in Texas. |
09-01-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de |
Informes from governors of Nueva Viscaya to viceroy containing suggestions for a new method of mission government. |
10-09-1772 |
Villaverde, Manuel, Bustamente, Bernardo, Munoz, Manuel |
Letters from clergy of Sonora regarding the new method for physical and spiritual development in new and established missions |
09-10-1772 |
Munoz, Alonso (Fray), Garay, Domingo de (Fray), Cartagena, Romualdo (Fray), and others |
numero 5 letters and testimonies concerning the accusation of extortion of mission property by Julian de las Casas. |
02-22-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Guiterrez, Gabriel, Lopez, Joseph Antonio |
numero 6 letters concerning financial matters at the mission Forvio de Lievana |
03-08-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Lorenzo, Josef Antonio, Casas, Julian de las, and others |
About the bad judgment used by Francisco Antonio de los Rios Calvillo in the purchase of corn to support the needs of some jurisdictions. |
11-03-1789 |
Yanes, Jose Miguel (Teniente), Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Cordova, Miguel de |
Concerns changes in grain measurements in villas of Reynosa, Mier, and Revilla. |
02-11-1790 |
Trevino, Jose Ygnacio de (Teniente), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Others |
Expediente put forth for the justicia y medio Cabildo of Revilla (villa) about incorrect measurements (23 were incorrect). |
02-11-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Balli, Juan Antonio Teniente), Others |
Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. |
01-25-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel, Escandon y Llera, Manuel Ignacio de (Gobernador), and others |
Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. |
00-00-1787 |
Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan), Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel, and others |
Solicitud del capitan de la segunda compania Volante don Juan Maria Murgier para restituirse a Espana. |
00-00-1787 |
Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan), Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Munoz, Manuel, and others |
Sobre la quema de varias medidas en la villa de Palmillas... |
01-26-1790 |
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Morelos, Santiago |
Concerns construction of church at Ygollo mission, secularization and inventory of 'temporalidades' at others. |
03-00-1768 |
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Paez, Joseph Antonio, Garcia Figueroa, Francisco, and others |
Provision interina del govierno de la colonia del Nuevo Santander en el teniente coronel don Manuel Munoz. |
12-15-1773 |
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Bonilla, Antonio, Valenzuela, and others |
Gonzalez de Santianes responds to charges leveled against him of failing to respond to Indian raids against communities in Nuevo Santander. |
06-18-1772 |
Gonzalez de Santianes, Vicente (Gobernador), Munoz, Juan de |
los ministros principales de la real Hacienda, y cajas del distrito de esta intendencia de Durango |
06-28-1788 |
Munoz, Manuel (Teniente), Orduna, Jose, Olvera, Jose Antonio, and others |
Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. |
01-23-1790 |
Ixart, Francisco, Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador), Rodriguez, Antonio (Teniente) |
Folio 273 at the bottom: Diario. Hasienda del ojocaliente y marzo 1. de 1773. Next page: Don Manuel Munoz servicio que han hecho |
03-01-1773 |
Munoz, Manuel (Capitan), Areche, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Virrey), and others |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nuevo Santander. 1790-1791. |
01-18-1790 |
Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador) |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. |
04-29-1789 |
Lorca, Melchor Vidal de (Gobernador), Cierragorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Munoz, Manuel |
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. |
04-29-1789 |
Lorca, Melchor Vidal de (Gobernador), Cierragorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Munoz, Manuel |
Correspondence between Munoz and virrey, year 1972 |
01-02-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel, Sierragorda, Conde |
Correspondence between Gigedo and Munoz of December 1792 and year 1793. |
12-31-1792 |
Munoz, Manuel |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael, Munoz, Manuel |